S2563Upper GI Bleed Caused by Ampullary AVMdoi:10.14309/01.ajg.0000866892.45120.7aMina RismaniM. WerlangV. OzaWolters KluwerAmerican Journal of Gastroenterology
Alcoholiccirrhosis->portalhypertensionand varices •OnPhysicalExam,assesshydration•Lookforstigmataofcirrhosis&portalHTN UpperGIBleeding Management–AcuteUGIBleed •Onceagain,makesureptisresuscitated •Ifanemicandsymptomatic,giveblood•PlaceNGT/lavage(helpsforendoscopy)•PerformUpperendoscopy(EGD)
Pateint with a history of AORTIC GRAFT SURGERY who has a small bleed of GI involving the duodenum before massive, fatal hemorrhage hours to weeks later. Performing an endoscopy or surgery during this small window of opportunity to prevent death is quinticential to survivial. ...
7、ata of cirrhosis & portal HTNUpper GI Bleeding.7Management Acute UGI Bleed Once again, make sure pt is resuscitated If anemic and symptomatic, give blood Place NGT/lavage (helps for endoscopy) Perform Upper endoscopy (EGD) For ulcers: if visible clot, visible vessel, or active bleeding, ...
Obscure_GI_Bleed_不明原因消化道出血 OBSCUREGIBLEED TalatBessissow,MCCM,FRCPCAssistantProfessor,DepartmentofMedicineDivisionofGastroenterologyMcGillUniversityHealthCenter Definition •Definition=GIbleedingofuncertainetiologyafterEGD,C-scope,andsmallbowelradiography•OvertOGIB=hematochezia,melena,hematemesisorCGemesis...
Management–AcuteUGIBleed Onceagain,makesureptisresuscitated Ifanemicandsymptomatic,giveblood PlaceNGT/lavage(helpsforendoscopy) PerformUpperendoscopy(EGD) Forulcers:ifvisibleclot,visiblevessel,oractivebleeding,shouldcauterize/coagulateandinjectsclerosingagent ...
Assoc. with Aortic Stenosis AV malformation Slow rec. bleed - anemia & weakness seen AV malformation Treatment for AV malformation if pt is asymptomatic None Treatment for AV malformation if pt is symptomatic Argon Plasma Photocoagulation Intra - Arterial Vasopressin ...
Exsanguinating upper GI bleeds due to Unusual Arteriovenous Malformation (AVM) of stomach and spleen: a case reportSurgeryBackground In this paper we are reporting one case of exsanguinating upper gastrointestinal tract (GIT) bleed requiring massive blood transfusion and immediate life saving surgery...
One patient had a 2 unit rebleed within 24 hours of the procedure. Two patients experienced mild abdominal pain for 1 day. 25 of the patients treated with argon plasma coagulation have been followed for at least 1 month (mean 3.3 months; range 1-5.5). 17 of these patients (68%) had ...