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Single limb stance times: A descriptive meta-analysis of data from individuals at least 60 years of age. Topics in Geriatric Rehabilitation, 22, 70-77.Bohannon RW (2006) Single limb stance times - a descri- ptive meta-analysis of data from individuals at least 60 years ...
SUMMARYThere is a progressive improvement in balance with age and the processes underlying to maintain an optimal postural stability are mature at least as soon as 6 years of age. When compared to normal-weight children, obese children have showed poor motor competence. However, it is not clear...
Eva Ageberg, David Roberts, Eva Holmström & Thomas Fridén 16k Accesses 1 Altmetric Explore all metrics Abstract Background To assess balance in single-limb stance, center of pressure movements can be registered by stabilometry with force platforms. This can be used for evaluation of injuries...
The effect of time-to-boundary minima selection and stability limit definition was investigated during eyes open and eyes closed condition single-limb stance postural stability. Anteroposterior and mediolateral time-to-boundary were computed using the mean and standard deviation (SD) of all time-to-bo...
Similarly, there were no differences for before-after measurements when the three age-groups were separately analyzed (p>.05). Conclusions: These data indicated that static double-limb stance balance, as reflected by 10-s measurements with open and closed eyes, was not significantly...
When not adjusted for age, decreased strength in the ankle plantar flexors and dorsiflexors was significantly associated with not managing the test. In the 40 patients who managed to complete the single-limb stance test no differences were found between the results of patients injured leg and ...
Pain intensity was described by the patient, who pointed to a number on the line. In order to assess neuropathic pain, the tool used was the DN4 questionnaire, which scores from 0 to 10 [16,17]. The lower limb functionality was evaluated with the Kujala score [18] and the LEFS [19...
Postural Instability During Single Limb Stance For Individuals With Previous Ankle Injury: 2062: Board #203 May 28 8:00 AM - 9:30 AM Fournier, Kimberly A.1; Borsa, Paul A. FACSM1; Wikstrom, Erik A.2
Single-limb Stance Increases Cortical Excitability to the Lower-leg Muscles in Able-bodied AdultsAlan NeedleZachary J FelpelAlyssa StirlingOvid Technologies (Wolters Kluwer Health)Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise