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Single limb stance times: a descriptive meta-analysis of data from individuals at least 60 years of age. Topics Geriatr Rehabil 2006;22(1):70-7.Richard W Bohannon, "Single limb stance times: A de- scriptive meta-analysis of data from individuals at least 60 years of a...
SUMMARYThere is a progressive improvement in balance with age and the processes underlying to maintain an optimal postural stability are mature at least as soon as 6 years of age. When compared to normal-weight children, obese children have showed poor motor competence. However, it is not clear...
There is, however, a need for further studies regarding possible effects of general exercise on balance in single-limb stance. The aims of this study were: 1) to assess the test-retest reliability of balance variables measured in single-limb stance on a force platform, and 2) to study the...
Muscle strength, ankle mobility, and single-limb stance on a force-platform were measured. Average speed of centre of pressure movements and number of movements exceeding 10 mm from the mean value of centre of pressure were registered in the frontal and sagittal planes on a force-platform. ...
Is double-limb stance balance impaired by a single exercise session in middle-aged and elderly subjects?Is double-limb stance balance impaired by a single exercise session in middle-aged and elderly subjects?Purpose: Balance is one of the key components of physical fitness and of ...
Interventions Each participant underwent two separate functional assessments of the weight bearing lunge test (WBLT), the single limb balance test (SLBT), and completed the Foot and Ankle Ability Measure (FAAM), separated by two weeks... P Mckeon,E Wikstrom - 《Medicine & Science in Sports...
The lower limb functionality was evaluated with the Kujala score [18] and the LEFS [19]. Finally, a conventional two-arm goniometer was used to passively determine knee ROM in flexion and extension. 2.5. Interventions MDR treatment was applied using ABD Modular®, a monopolar dielectric ...
Postural Instability During Single Limb Stance For Individuals With Previous Ankle Injury: 2062: Board #203 May 28 8:00 AM - 9:30 AM Fournier, Kimberly A.1; Borsa, Paul A. FACSM1; Wikstrom, Erik A.2
Single-limb Stance Increases Cortical Excitability to the Lower-leg Muscles in Able-bodied AdultsAlan NeedleZachary J FelpelAlyssa StirlingOvid Technologies (Wolters Kluwer Health)Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise