为了验证鉴定小鼠interneurons的Dlx1/2调控网络,作者分析了人脑的sNuc-Seq(Single nuclei RNA-Seq)数据集。 在人类脑sNuc-Seq数据集上,SCENIC也鉴定出由DLX1/2强烈驱动的interneurons细胞群,该群具有与小鼠相同的motif,并且识别出一组保守的靶标,包括DLX1本身。 接下来,作者将这种跨物种分析扩展到其他细胞类型。与基...
常规的单细胞RNA-seq分析结合常规的空间RNA-seq分析代谢实现1加1大于2:解析乳腺癌早期传播过程中的代谢演变 乳腺癌现在已成为全球最常见的恶性肿瘤,占女性癌症的近30%。由于治疗手段的快… 陈娜 单细胞RNA测序的简单介绍 This is mainly a summary of the article SINCERA: A Pipeline for Single-Cell RNA-Seq ...
在本周一的文章(复现原文(一):Single-cell RNA sequencing of human kidney(step by step))中,我们完成了scRNA-seq数据的质控(Hemberg-lab单细胞转录组数据分析(三)- 原始数据质控)、批次校正、找Marker基因(单细胞分群后,怎么找到Marker基因定义每一类群?)、UMAP可视化和tSNE可视化(Hemberg-lab单细胞转录组数据分...
Single-cell RNA-sequencing (scRNA-seq) has been recently used for the profiling of tumor microenvironments7,8. This technology allows massively parallel characterization of thousands of cells at the transcriptome level. Previous scRNA-seq studies related to lung cancer have been limited to early stage...
Single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq), a technology that analyzes transcriptomes of complex tissues at single-cell levels, can identify differential gene expression and epigenetic factors caused by mutations in unicellular genomes, as well as new cell-specific markers and cell types. scRNA-seq plays...
复现原文(一):Single-cell RNA sequencing of human kidney(step by step),Nature重磅综述|关于RNA-seq你想知道的全在这)、ChIP-seq分析 (ChIP-seq基本分析流程)、单细胞测序分析 (重磅综述:三万字长文读懂单细胞RNA测序分析的最佳实践教程(原理、代码和评述))
Here, we used single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) to decipher the composition and functions of GAMs in murine experimental GL261 gliomas grown in male and female mice. We demonstrate distinct transcriptional programs of microglia (MG), monocytes/macrophages (Mo/MΦ), and CNS BAMs. The ident...
The tumor microenvironment (TME) in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) is a complex ecosystem that drives tumor progression; however, in-depth single cell characterization of the PDAC TME and its role in response to therapy is lacking. Here, we perf
TIME-related lncRNA signature DDR: DNA damage repair scRNA-seq: Single-cell RNA sequencing PCA: Principal component analysis UMAP: Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection RMA: Robust multi-array average WGCNA: Weighted correlation network analysis TOM: Topological overlap matrix GO: Ge...
然而,利用高度敏感的单核或单细胞RNA-seq,研究人员可以分析活跃分化细胞样本中单个细胞的转录物水平,从而为研究人员提供解析瞬时细胞状态所需的分辨率。识别这些短暂的转变可以帮助我们提高对发育生物学、衰老的理解,并确定最有效的细胞群进行细胞治疗。 Chromium GEM-X provides improved cell recovery efficiency. Cell ...