基本情况 今天要介绍的数据库是:Single Cell Portal。 这个数据库是由大名鼎鼎的 Broad 研究所建立的,网页上的打出的宣传口号是 Reducing barriers and accelerating single-cell research,扫除障碍,加速单细胞研究! 这个数据库的首页非常简洁,包括数据检索框,分为按 study 或者 gene 进行检索。其次是将 study 按条目...
今天,让我们来介绍一个单细胞挖掘神器:由broad研究所建立,收录了525个研究、31843492个单细胞测序数据的在线数据库——Single cell portal,更重要的是该数据库仍在持续更新当中哦!话不多说,我们直接开始今天的学习: 输入网址: https://singlecell.broadinstitute.org/single_cell进入主页: 可以看到数据库为我们提供...
数据查找 每个收录在Single Cell Portal的数据集都有自己对应的编号,当我们需要查找下载的时候,直接根据文献提供的编号即可 The single-cell sequencing data of 8953 cells from 33 human primary GBM samples were obtained from the Single Cell Portal platform (http://singlecell.broadinstihttp://tute.org) (...
点击Explore可以进一步开始可视化探索: 可以看到首先出现的是根据生物样本ID进行的聚类分析,我们可以选择cell-type-ontology作为聚类分析的注释: 选择cell-type-ontology作为细胞聚类分析的注释后,得到UMAP或t-SNE降维图,我们就可以知道人肺纤维化的组织中...
Single-Cell Portal Hello and thank you for using the Single-Cell Portal. We hope the portal will contribute to open science by enabling visualizing and sharing scientific insight and data surrounding single-cell RNA-Seq. Thank you for being a part of this open science effort!
The Single Cell Portal was initially developed as a part of the BRAIN (Brain Research through Advancing Innovative Neurotechnologies) initiative. A presidential directive to harness and develop technologies to better understand the brain. To read more about the BRAIN Initiative, please visithttp://www...
The Single Cell Portal was developed to facilitate sharing scientific results, and disseminating data generated from single cell technologies. We strive to make open science and open data interactive, easy, and powerful. We hope you will be a part of this amazing effort for science!
Single Cell Portal: https://singlecell.broadinstitute.org/single_cell Tabula Muris: https://tabula-muris.ds.czbiohub.org/ The Human BioMolecular Atlas Program: https://commonfund.nih.gov/hubmap Glossary Quantitative PCR A polymerase chain reaction (PCR) that records product expression in real...
Single-cell and single-nucleus RNA-sequencing (sxRNA-seq) is increasingly being used to characterise the transcriptomic state of cell types at homeostasis, during development and in disease. However, this is a challenging task, as biological effects can
该数据库有大量测序数据支持,Single cell portal收录了481个研究的26826543个单细胞的测序数据。 Single Cell Portal收录了169个研究的4152655个单细胞的测序数据,并提供了两种检索模式,分别为Studies(研究项目)检索和Gene(基因)检索,在检索栏下方可以看到Studies简介及包含的细胞数量。这就是主页界面包含的信息。至此主页...