I am like you, someone who has sinned. Perhaps my sin nature was a bit more indulgent than yours. Perhaps not. Any sin separates us from God and demands a verdict of eternal damnation. In God’s eyes, all my sin is forgiven. In God’s eyes, I am His beloved child. In God’s e...
Sin is opposed to God and separates us from Him. It started in the beginning of time with Adam and Eve (the first man and woman) and God’s enemy Satan. Satan—The Father of Lies Satan was once one of God’s most majestic heavenly beings, but he let pride rise in his heart. He ...
from God. Since sin separates people from God, it also distances them from the possibility of salvation. Biblical writers often describe sin in terms of slavery, debt, or death. The Bible repeatedly observes that in spite of its unpleasantness human beings tend to lapse into sin. Selfishness ...
remember their sins and seek God’s forgiveness. Each sin, small and large, injures us or someone else; it imprints on our soul, makes us imperfect, and separates us from the perfect God. If we confess our sins to God each day, then He will purify our hearts and draw us closer to ...
NowLet’sGoBackAndDiscussWhatItMeansToDie. ThereAreTwoKindsOfDeathThatWeReadAboutInScripture. TheOneMostFamiliarToUsIsPhysicalDeathWhereOurSpiritSeparatesFromOurPhysicalBody. TheOtherKindOfDeathIsSpiritualDeathWhereOurSinSeparatesUsFromFellowshipWithGod. ItIsProbableThatThisPassageInGenesisIsTalkingAboutBothKindsOf...
Here are a few verses that lets you know what the Bible says about gossip. “A perverse person stirs up conflict, and a gossip separates close friends” (Proverbs 16:28). “A gossip betrays a confidence; so avoid anyone who talks too much” (Proverbs 20:19). ...
• Other Places In The Bible Speak To This Truth As Well. 1 John 1:5-6 This is the message we have heard from him and declare to you: God is light; in him there is no darkness at all. If we claim to have fellowship with him yet walk in the darkness, we lie and do not ...
“I have given them your [God’s] word, and the world has hated them because they are not of the world, just as I am not of the world” (John 17:14). Hate is not just an emotion. It is a state of being that involves choices, behaviors, and thoughts. It separates people rather...
desire exists prior to sins conception and birth and therefore isn’t to be considered sin itself… My question then is how would you respond to the person who raises the objection thatJames 1:14-15separates desire from sin, such that the former is not itself sin but a temptation to sin...
College separates old friends and makes one rethink the definition of friendship. Archived asOtheron Jan 17, 1999 If Jesus Came To Your House What will you do if Jesus makes an untimely visit to your abode? Will you be ready? What will you do?