God is sinless. The prophet Habakkuk wrote of God: "Your eyes are too pure to look on evil; you cannot tolerate wrong." (Habakkuk 2:13a). The holiness of God was awesome. But sin separates us from God. The prophet Isaiah wrote: "But your iniquities have separated you from your God;...
The Bible teaches that everyone has sinned (Romans 3:23), and repentance involves seeing sin for what it is—something that separates us from God.2. Godly Sorrow: True repentance comes with a deep, sincere sorrow for sin—not just regret for the consequences but sorrow because it offends ...
So where is God in the midst of this suffering. Look around. It is you and me. We are the reflections of God.To live that reflection is to heal ourselves from any kind of leprosy that separates us from ourselves, from others, and from God. You see, we are called to be beautiful a...
assured through the knowledge that someone who cares for us is also able to provide for us. Now as to our position before God, in order to be safe, we need the knowledge that we are at peace with God, that our sin debt has been settled, and that nothing...
separated him from God and only Jesus can save him from the penalty for his sins. The next question for the child that I ask is, “Do you know what the penalty for sin is?” I explain, then, that the Bible says without Jesus paying the penalty, sin separates the sinner from God ...
that His face is always toward us and that He never leaves us. And sure,we can quench the Spiritor grieve the Spirit. He’s deeply concerned over us, but He never separates Himself. And so that’s why I think it’s so important to communicate the grace of God reall...
Nevertheless, there is a great distance which separates the Shi'i fiqh and ifta' as practised by the jurists from among the companions of the Imams (a) from what it became during the eras of its maturity and fruition: that is, the activity of deducing the laws (furu`) from juristic ...
The sea should be tested periodically to find that point on the polar lip where centrifugal force separates the salt from the fresh water from iceberg melt water leaving fresh water on the surface of the ocean, as reported by Olaf Jansen and Fridtjof Nansen. A lookout should be maintained ...
This veil of illusion, or Maya, separates our usual awareness of the world from a deeper spiritual awareness toward "Enlightenment" or samadhi, or the well-being and happiness of eudaimonia (Aristotle 1962). Within the FOS, attitudes appear to be similar to this veil of illusion and also ...