邻边=1+(-1)3 对-1进行3次方运算。 邻边=1-1 从1中减去1。 邻边=0 将0重写为02。 邻边=02 邻边=0 邻边=0=0 求余弦值。 点击获取更多步骤... 使用余弦的定义求cos(3theta)的值。 cos(3theta)=adjhyp cos(3theta)=01 用0除以1。
Evaluate : |{:(costheta,-sintheta),(sintheta,costheta):}| 01:17 (1+costheta+sintheta)/(1+costheta-sintheta)=(1+sintheta)/(costheta) 05:46 Prove that int0^(pi/2)(costheta-sintheta)/(1+sintheta.costheta)d theta... 02:52 (1+costheta+sintheta)/(1+costheta-sintheta)=(1+...
যদি sintheta+ sin^2theta+sin^3theta=1 হয় তবে প্রমাণ করো যে,cos^6theta-4cos^4theta+8cos^2theta=4
sin3θ=sin(2θ+θ)=sin2θcosθ+cos2θsinθ =2sinθcosθcosθ+[1-2(sinθ)^2]sinθ =2sinθ[1-(sinθ)^2]+[1-2(sinθ)^2]sinθ =2sinθ-2(sinθ)^3+sinθ-2(sinθ)^3 =3sinθ-4(sinθ)^3
Answer to: If the value of sin theta = 1/3, then find out the value of cos theta. By signing up, you'll get thousands of step-by-step solutions to...
笛卡尔的心形公式中,r=a(1-sin (theta))中的a是一个常数。在百度百科上,没有详细说明a的具体意义,但可以看到a的值越大,心形线的大小也随之增大,实际上a控制着心形线的大小。进一步来看,2a等于凹陷点与突出点间线段的长度。当theta等于0时,r=a,这似乎是心形线弧长的起点,或者说是心形线...
Answer to: Prove the identity. {1 + cos theta} / {sin theta} + {sin theta} / {1 + cos theta} = 2 csc theta By signing up, you'll get thousands of...
If {eq}\sin \theta =-\dfrac{1}{2} {/eq}, then {eq}\sin^4 \theta=? {/eq}. Simplifying Trigonometric Expressions: We often need to resort to algebraic formulae and the properties of exponents to simplify trigonometric expressions. A few examples of such formulae and properties are as...
绘制图像 r=1-sin(theta) r=1−sin(θ)r=1-sin(θ) 使用公式r=a±bsin(θ)r=a±bsin(θ)或r=a±bcos(θ)r=a±bcos(θ)画出心脏线,其中包含a>0a>0、b>0b>0和a=ba=b。 r=1−sin(θ)r=1-sin(θ) r=1−sinθr=1-sinθ...
【题目】求证:(1) 三倍角公式:$$ \sin 3 \theta = 3 \sin \theta - 4 \sin ^ { 3 } \theta $$.(2)$$ \sin \theta \sin ( 6 0 ^ { \circ } - \theta ) \sin ( 6 0 ^ { \circ } - \theta ) = \frac { 1 } { 4 } \sin 3 \theta . $$ ...