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To draw the graph of y=sin^(-1)|x|, we draw the graph of y=sin^(-1)x for The graph of y=sin^(-1)x" for "xlt0 is neglected. Hence the graph of y=f(x) is as follows.
The objective is to draw the graph of y=sin x for the interval x∈ [-2π ,2π ]. Take few values of x on the interval [-2π ,2π ] and find the value of sin\ x at those values of x.Plot the above points in xy axes. Here, x-coordinate will represent the angle, while,...
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Amplitude: Period: Phase Shift: ( to the right)Vertical Shift: Select a few points to graph.The trig function can be graphed using the amplitude, period, phase shift, vertical shift, and the points.Amplitude: Period: Phase Shift: ( to the right)Vertical Shift: ...
Graph y=sin(0) Trigonometry Examples y=sin(0)y=(0) Use theslope-interceptform to find theslopeandy-intercept. Tap for more steps... Theform isy=mx+b, wheremis theandbis the. y=mx+b Find the values ofmandbusing the formy=mx+b....
Graph Algebra Examples sin(x)=12sin(x)=12 Grapheach side of theequation. Thesolutionis the x-value of thepointofintersection. x=π6+2πn,5π6+2πnx=π6+2πn,5π6+2πn integer sinx=12sinx=12 ( ) | [ ] √ ≥...
新增加学习笔记(安卓版)百度网盘快速下载应用程序,欢迎使用。 新增加学习笔记(安卓版)本站下载应用程序,欢迎使用。 新增线性代数行列式的计算,欢迎使用。 数学计算和一元方程已经支持正割函数和余割函数,欢迎使用。 新增加贷款计算器模块(具体位置:数学运算 > 贷款计算器),欢迎使用。
We have y=f(x)=sin|x| f(x)={{:(sinx ",",xge0),(-sinx",",xlt0):} We first draw the graph of y=sinx,forxge0 and then reflect the graph in y-axis. Hence the graph of y=sin|x| is as shown in the following figure.
Select a fewpointstograph. Tap for more steps... Find theatx=0. Replace thexwith0in the. f(0)=2sin(0)+1 The exact value ofsin(0)is0. f(0)=2⋅0+1 2by0. f(0)=0+1 f(0)=0+1 Add0and1. f(0)=1 The final answer is1. ...