Draw the graph ofy≤x+2. View Solution Doubtnut is No.1 Study App and Learning App with Instant Video Solutions for NCERT Class 6, Class 7, Class 8, Class 9, Class 10, Class 11 and Class 12, IIT JEE prep, NEET preparation and CBSE, UP Board, Bihar Board, Rajasthan Board, MP Boa...
Yes, those two lines do yield the same result. The first line is used in the code in the question. I used the extra parentheses in the second to emphasize the order of operations used to evaluate the first.To
Answer to: Graph f(x) = sin x on [-4 pi, 4 pi] and verbalize how the graph varies from the graphs of f(x) = sin (+ or - x). By signing up, you'll...
Example, find thefirst derivativeof f(x) = 3 sin(x) Write the derivative notation:f′= 3 sinx(x) Pull the constant out in front:3 f′= sinx(x) Find the derivative of the function(ignoring the constant): 3 f′= cos(x) Place the constant back in to where it was in the first ...
Ans :None of the above (typo happened with your ans) 2.d/dx cos^2(x^3)=d[cos²x³]/dx = -2(cosx³)(sinx³)(3x²) = -3x²sin²(2x³)3.0.5∫e^0.5 dt= 0.5(e^0.5)t + c (maybe mistyping)0.5∫e^(0.5t) dt= (e^0.5t) + c 4.the graph of y=3x^4-16x...
None of the above(typo happened with your ans)2.d/dx cos2(x3)=d[cos²x³]/dx = -2(cosx³)(sinx³)(3x²) = -3x²sin²(2x³)3.0.5∫e0.5 dt= 0.5(e0.5)t + c (maybe mistyping) 0.5∫e^(0.5t) dt= (e0.5t) + c4.the graph of y=3x4-16x3+24x2+48 is conca...
f(x)=x4+x3−3x2+1Inflection PointAmong the most important points of a graph of a function of an independent variable are the points of intersection with the axes, minimum or maximum points, and the points of inflection. The latter is determined w...
数学函数图像为您作sinx-sin2x 的函数图像。
数学函数图像为您作sinx+sin(4x) sinx+1 sinx-1的函数图像。