报错are inv..用屏幕做了个登录界面,用串口做通讯,想验证下好使不,只有账号、密码和登录按钮三串数据,结果仿真报错了,大佬们,这啥意思。
How could I have the same logic using blocks/systems in Simulink? Whenever I try switches and If blocks, I get an error like "Input Ports (1) of __ are involved in the loop. I can share my model if it is helpful. But if someone could show me how to put this code in terms of...
Input ports (1) of '.../Sensor_Latency' are involved in the loop.' It's complaining about this part of the model. The 'Sensor Latency' contains unit delays for all signals. So not sure why the error is appearing, and why only when usingparsimin R2021b...
The following function-call blocks are involved in a cycle and do not have a common function-callinitiator. To break the cycle you can use a single block such as a Stateflow chart as the initiator. When a common function-call initiator is used, all data connections between the called funct...
In Simulink you can use the “FPGA-in-the-Loop” wizard to generate blocks, which run during the simulation time on the FPGA hardware. Basically, you
Sam Mirsky is an Application Engineer at MathWorks focused on real-time simulation and testing. Before joining The MathWorks, Sam worked for 14 years in the aerospace industry where he was involved in Hardware-in-the-Loop testing of guidance, navigation...
根据报错提示确实是if action subsytem不对,建议你把那部分写成s函数格式。
A few days ago I had to debug a very large model generating an error similar to the following: In my case, the loop involved more than a hundred blocks and signals spread everywhere in the model and...read more >> Category: Analysis, ...
Inputports (1, 3) of 'LandingGear/Subsystem/LH Door Actuator/Multiport Switch' are involved in the loop Component: Simulink | Category: Block error Inputports (2, 3) of 'LandingGear/Level-2 MATLAB S-Function' are involved in the loop ...