《模拟人生4》UI作弊拓展(适用游戏版本1.60) 2020-01-31 12:29:24 《模拟人生4》UI Cheats Extension UI作弊扩展1.14.2对应游戏1.54.120 2019-08-21 20:37:29 《模拟人生4》模拟人生4v1.54.120模拟滞后修复 2019-08-20 10:00:08 《模拟人生4》WhiteStudio CasBackground BC06 背景 ...
The Sims 4 UI extension enables you to add cheat codes via directly clicking on the UI, without typing them manually. The Sims 4 UI mod is essential for every sims player if your goal is to play the game via Cheat codes. It makes the job a lot easier. ...
The big blessing that we all need: MCCC also adds an auto-save function to The Sims 4 and you can customize the save interval in its settings. UI Cheats Extension (Image credit: Electronic Arts, modded by Weerbesu) Download from: Weerbesu's Patreon This handy mod by Weerbesu makes ...
Dans le pack d’extensionLes Sims 4 À la vie, à la mort, vous pouvez offrir une Grenouille de la mort à la Faucheuse lorsqu’elle vient récolter l’âme d’un Sim. Il y a de grandes chances que la Faucheuse accepte ce cadeau en échange de la vie d’un Sim. Vous trouverez...
UI(兼容至1.110版本): UI Cheats Extension v1.34 | Patreon 上的 weerbesu https://www.patreon.com/posts/ui-cheats-v1-16-26240068 备用链接: 链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1yFU2hW1WWQ3hYx5jVp5bfg 提取码:1E9J CAS格子(兼容至1.110版本): ...
"2024-07-03T16:18:40.569+01:00","confirmEmailStatus":null},"followersCount":null,"solutionsCount":1934},"ForumTopicMessage:message:7495681":{"__typename":"ForumTopicMessage","uid":7495681,"subject":"Probleme extension sims 4","id":"message:7495681","revisionNum":1,"repliesCount":2,"...
Red Orange Mode UI –Mar. 9 FDSims4Mods – MTS/CF Give me some talent – Mar. 23, updated for new pack They’re so random! – Mar. 13 (most recent file date), Mar. 23 (uploaded), updated for new pack FinJingSims – FinJing Ingredient Starter Kit (S) – F...
模組(2): UI Cheats Extension (最頻繁使用的模組) 安裝說明: 模組(3): Road To Fame 成名之路 (明星偶像模組) 安裝說明: 模組(4): Reality Show (實境秀模組) 安裝說明: 模組(5): NPC Control (修改更換NPC模組) 更換NPC步驟: 安裝說明:
Cette mort est disponible dans le jeu de base Les Sims 4. Morts d'épuisement : cette mort n’arrive qu’aux Sims âgés. Ces fantômes sont enclins à faire beaucoup de siestes. Cette mort est disponible dans le jeu de base Les Sims 4. Morts de chaud : ces fantômes cherchent ...
UI Cheats Extension If you want to make the cheats a regular part of the user interface, you have got to type a code and get thousands of simoleons simply by clicking the household’s total money at the bottom left corner. For instance, you can alter how much the Sims like each other...