Scientist career is another active career for sims 4 which comes with the expansion pack Get To Work. You can follow your sims to work and guide them while working. Many new activities and interactions come with this career. Below you will find all the levels of science career in sims 4 ...
Gardener Career - Seasons (Guide) Game Description: You've always had a green thumb, but now you think you can earn some green with it. You'll start by doing a lot of planting and gardening, but keep at it, and you can find success in the science, or art, in doing so. Career ...
Sims 4 Paranormal Stuff Paranormal Stuff releases January 26, 2021. You can learn about the new pack on the page I've just published. It features Hauntings, a new Medium skill, and a Paranormal Investigator Career. Paranormal Stuff also marks the return of Bonehilda to The Sims. Sentiments...
5 Project Manager $584/day Level 5 Programming and Level 4 Video Gaming The Hipster Hugger and $760 bonus 6 Development Captain $624/day Level 6 Programming and Level 5 Video Gaming Award for Excellence in Science and $874 bonus eSports Gamer Career Levels and Job Ranks LevelJobSalaryPromotio...
The Sims 4 Discover University Cheats Adding or Removing Degrees, Career Levels, and Skills The campus of the University of Britechester. Foxbury is a more modern technical school. The Sims 4 Discover University releases November 15, 2019 on PC/Mac, and will arrive December 17 for console play...
The military career track available in The Sims, The Sims 2, and The Sims 3. In The Sims 4: StrangerVille, military returns as a semi-active career. The military career track from the original The Sims is notable for having the highest pay at ranks 1-6 b
♦ Work on the group science project ♦ Use the Brain Enhancing Machine ♦ Throw things into bonfires ♦ Play arcade machines ♦ Chat and Gossip with other Nerds ♦ Compliment other Nerds ♦ Socialize with prominent Nerds ♦ Complete Opportunities for the Nerds ...
(Reach Level 10 of the Fortune Telling Career – Mystic Branch) Mystic Healer– These days Sims can be transformed into all sorts of odd things like toads, zombies and tragic clowns. Even Sims that are feeling blue or have inner beauty can’t catch a break! It takes a selfless Sim who...
Below you will find all the levels of science career in sims 4 and its details. Level 1 – Lab Technician Working days are Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. You can win $ 24 per hour and $ 216 total in a day. Best mood for this level is focused. Having 2 ...
Computer ScienceCommunicationsBot SavantsRobotics skill EconomicsCulinary ArtsFoxbury Spirit SquadGeneralFocused on school pride and the sports team PhysicsDrama PsychologyFine Art VillainyHistory Language and Literature How to get a degree in The Sims 4 university ...