tic()# start timing hereoutput<-matrix(0,sims,1)for(jin1:sims){# Outer loop j for many trialsfor(iin1:(N+1)){# Inner loop i for each roundif(runif(1)>=0.5){output[j,1]<-2^i}# payoff = 2^roundif(i==(N+1)){output[j,1]<-W}# Or whole bank# if we reach final rou...
4 Communication 5 Collaboration (teamwork) Dimension 3: Tools for working 6 Information literacy 7 ICT literacy Dimension 4: Living in the world 8 Citizenship – local and global 9 Life and career 10 Personal and social responsibility – including cultural awareness and competence ...
Learn more about the animated series, Peep and the Big Wide World, that gives wings to the innovative idea of teaching science and math to preschoolers.
I've gone into the scientist career in Sims 4 with the Sims 4 Get To Work expansion, but now something is up with the plants at the lab, they don't produce flowers, fruit, herbs of veggies like they normally would, but the plants in the neighborhood plants work just fine, I hope ...
the Sims, The Sopranos, The Three-Body Problem, the Universe, therapy, they say time is the fire in which we burn, time, time travel, TNG, Tolkien, trademarks, trains, Trump, UFOs, US News, USSR, Utopia, video games, violence, voting, Wakanda, Wes Anderson, Wikipedia, wildfires, Wisco...
{"__ref":"Forum:board:the-sims-4-bug-reports-archive-en"},"conversation":{"__ref":"Conversation:conversation:11536663"},"subject":"Re: Get to work/Science Career","readOnly":true,"editFrozen":false,"moderationData":{"__ref":"ModerationData:moderation_data:11536664"},"body":"@Tia...
analytical skills for resolving ethical issues; fourth, and relatedly, the courses attempt to expose students to the complexity of ethical decision-making in business organizations; fifth, courses are intended to cultivate an attitude of moral obligation and personal responsibility in pursuing a career....
R., Sims, M. D., Dade, S. N., & Reid, M. F. (2019). SES, gender, and STEM career interests, goals, and actions: A test of SCCT. Journal of Career Assessment, 27(1), 134–150. https://doi.org/10.1177/1069072717748665 Article Google Scholar Usher, E. L., & Pajares, F...
in the midst of all the best foods, with money to purchase that food, but choose not to spend it on themselves so that Esther and her siblings could go to school. This had a powerful effect on her and inspired her to pursue her academic career goals and persevere against challenges howev...
Since the beginning of my career at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, I have had the opportunity to be among the first few to explore marine natural products chemistry. This was exciting because almost everything we examined was new and yielded novel metabolites. I am pleased to be able...