1、移除mod,有时候安装过多的mod会导致游戏读取内容过多,导致一直在加载页面读取mod。 2、更新了新版本后,进入家庭无限载入。一个可能的原因是游戏目录层数太深,安装到一个浅点的位置,比如D:The Sims 4。 3、打开我的文档找到 Electronic Arts打开然后进入“The Sims 4”然后把里面除了Mods 和 saves 两个文件...
For me, Steam tries to install the EA App at this point, but I just close the popup about it (while I present my middle finger to my screen) and the game loads up with the Mod Organizer virtual mod setup like we all expected it to from the start of this fiasco before we saw that...
Previously you have restrictions for doing a specified task in your game. Thanks to the Sims 4 Mod community, you can do almost anything in your game. Even though there are no true objectives in the game, creating your dream house is one of the primary goals. It’s now easier than ever...
Falls ihr daher Sachen findet, die nicht als script mods deklariert sind, aber ts4script-Dateien enthalten, könnt ihr mir diese via DM melden (das gilt auch für andere verdächtige Downloads). Ich leite die Sachen dann an vertrauenswürdige Modder weiter, die diese checken können. ...
Click to see all XML used in this Mod object_Cooler_LowQuality_01.xml object_Cooler_HighQuality_01.xml Dine Out 6 Fish Aquarium 28.02.2024 Dine Out Download Download I love the Dine Out Aquarium but always thought that it looks too empty with 4 fish. This Clone lets you add up to ...
(但是每次删除界面都会加载到最上面,我的解决方法是直接右键缩略图,然后把这个mod添加进不喜欢的分类里,全部浏览完毕之后一起删除! 现在一边刷视频一边删mod已经成为我的一项娱乐项目了(尤其这两天还被模4闪退好几次,, 管理mod分类的界面 创建模拟市民的界面赞...
Inspired by the theme of the new Sims 4 Road Map!
If you’re a Stardew Valley fan, there’s a good chance you know of this modder and may have even used his Stardew Valley Expanded (SVE) mod to help bring new life into the game (literally). Off the back of the SDV 1.6 update last year, which he helped ConcernedApe develop, I cau...
No intro, by Simser der Deutschen:> As simple as the title says: no intro at the launch of the game. Enjoy plainly the fast loading! Indoor Lights Brighter, by kikiwalu: Indoors lights were a bit too dark in the base game. This mod makes them brighter. Maybe a bit too much, but ...