Finde Expertentipps, Ratschläge zur Fehlerbehebung, Tutorials für Mods und benutzerdefinierte Inhalte sowie Die Sims 4-Patchnotes.51 Posts Recent Discussions Tagged: Read First [AKTUELL] Schadsoftware in einigen Script Mods
After copying the mods and custom content to the folder, you must check the option “Enable Custom Content and Mods” on the Game Options, so that the mod files can work. Here are the 3 easy steps you should follow. Step 1. Start the Sims 4 and click the Options button on the right...
The Sims 4 completely ignores a common situation in life – having a roommate. With LMS’s roommates mod, you can have a roommate that pays rent, and is completely outside your control. This is something that players frequently want, because it adds some spice to the game. Using LMS’s...
I am trying to play for 3 days but my game is stuck on the loading screen. This happens after I click on Resume game. I manage to load the world I was playing in, but when I choose my household it starts to load endlessly. I use a Mac and I tried every troubleshoot I found he...
No intro, by Simser der Deutschen:> As simple as the title says: no intro at the launch of the game. Enjoy plainly the fast loading! Indoor Lights Brighter, by kikiwalu: Indoors lights were a bit too dark in the base game. This mod makes them brighter. Maybe a bit too much, but ...
Those of you in the Fallout 4 community will be excited to learn that Merry Modding Days is making a return! For a... VORTEX The powerful open-source mod manager from Nexus Mods. Learn more Nexus Mods News Statistics Careers About us ...
The Sims 4 completely ignores a common situation in life – having a roommate. With LMS’s roommates mod, you can have a roommate that pays rent, and is completely outside your control. This is something that players frequently want, because it adds some spice to the game. Using LMS’s...
MOD. 2017.Wargaming Handbook, available to download here Daniel Kahneman.Thinking Fast, Thinking Slow.Penguin Books Daniel Kahneman video interview, ...
Fast:Utilize custom interactions and cached tests to prevent delays when loading the pie menu. Safe to remove:You can remove this mod at any time without leaving any trace. List of interactions Add selectable sims:Add a selectable Sim to the Skewer. It will be added to the default situation...
The modern convenience of fast food has all but vanished overnight. Being able to find enough normal food is now the order of the day. None of the major food chains has any plans to try and return to the region. May not use the “Quick Meal” option on a fridge or cooler. May not...