The Sims 4 City Living Guide SimsVIP provides in depth, detailed game guides to the community. If our guides have helped you with your game and you want to support our work, use the links below to contribute to the site! Thank you for your continued support and dedication. The Sims ...
•Time of Day: This control changes the time of day so you can see what your lot will look like in different lighting conditions. If you entered build mode while it was evening for your sim, you can change it to morning so you can see what you are doing. You can also change it ...
So, how does the Burglar operate in The Sims 4? Here’s what you need to know. The infamous Robin Banks (yep, that’s her name—we couldn’t resist) only strikes at night, sneaking into your Sim’s home while everyone is fast asleep (or even if they are awake!). Before you know...
setLotLightingFile [filename.txt] or [clear] Override some of the parameters in the lighting.txt file with filename.txt file present in lights folder, clears if any file is present setQuarterTilePlacement on/off Turns quarter tile placement on/off showHeadlines on/off Shows/hides all thought...
Welcome to the wonderful modern farmhouse. The perfect home for a couple or a single person who likes to enjoy the outdoors and look after a garden. In addition, the house offers an open plan second floor loft which is perfect for lighting ...
A Guide to Retail Businesses in Get to Work. This section features introductory concepts to operating your own store.
Buildings can be earthquake-prone, have nice breezes that give your Sims a boost to exercise, or nice lighting for painting. Multiple births are also supported if your apartment or house is built on a ley line. Lot traits are changed by clicking the info panel in the top left when you'...
Finally, we're wrapping up the birthday celebration with something really special. This March, The Sims FreePlay will release a new option to add enhanced lighting for all your home lots. With this addition to the game, sun rays will be able to flood a room, giving it a bright and lofty...
setLotLightingFile [filename.txt] or [clear] Override some of the parameters in the lighting.txt file with filename.txt file present in lights folder, clears if any file is present setQuarterTilePlacement on/off Turns quarter tile placement on/off ...
DesertRose1988 on The Sims 4: Meet Oasis Springs! Categories Categories Tags get together guide maxis simcity sims tiltshift videogamesToddlers have arrived In The Sims 4! One of the major complaints when The Sims 4 broke ground was the lack of toddlers in the base game. Every new feature...