default cas lighting replacement for sims; softer glow and shadows; base game; conflicts with other cas lighting mods for sims, you can only install one such mod in your game! Both files work together, one is for lighting on sims, the other is for pets. If you have a pet addon, you...
default cas lighting replacement for sims; softer glow and shadows; base game; conflicts with other cas lighting mods for sims, you can only install one such mod in your game! Both files work together, one is for lighting on sims, the other is for pets. If you have a pet addon, you ...
{"__typename":"Category","id":"category:the-sims-4-en","entityType":"CATEGORY","displayId":"the-sims-4-en","nodeType":"category","depth":3,"title":"The Sims 4","shortTitle":"The Sims 4","parent":{"__ref":"Category:category:the-sims-en"},"categoryPolicies":{"__typename...
• Sims 4 Custom Female Ped byalex189 & saldin93 Thank you to all modders and especially these for using there time and effort to make all this possible and the modding community for the support. --- • Permissions: You may use this mod as long as you follow these terms: • Don...
3.用MOD管理器加载ESP 4.进入游戏中即可 文件说明 Mod截图 相关作品 Split Wolf M3(飞船)|Realistic Lighting Overhaul 照明大修 v5.03传奇版-汉化版|Tasheni马鞍红卫兵收藏集|三国志13 邹氏张氏头像美化包|【3DM-Sims小组】今年的万圣节又快到了,新的南瓜机器人带给你新的惊喜,新的墓地场景带给你新的惊吓!|求...
Mod to add objects outside of the Lot?If you bulldoze all those lots does it still happen?How did you 'turn off' your CC? Please move the Sims 4 folder to the desktop and start a brand new, clean game with none of your content in it and see if it still happens.A video of ...
5 months ago Yes, it has been there since 2023, I have reported it several times since the game's release and it has not been fixed to this day, it is in every raid when the time of day is set to morning No RepliesBe the first to reply ...
crinrict Hero+ 4 years ago @GridironGuy88is your sim a vamp or normal ? GridironGuy88 4 years ago @crinrictJust a normal one DarkSolyndra 2 months ago @crinrictExactly. That is the bug. About The Sims 4 Bug Reports - Archive