Once enough clues are gathered, you can issue an APB for the suspect. The all points bulletin from the Crime Map object will take you to the scene where a suspect can be arrested. Making an Arrest: Using the Notebook While your notification wall will tell you new things you learn about...
and that surgery might fail. You yourself can be an awful person and could be arrested if you choose to be. This is a mod for people who want to see things that might happen in the real world happen to their Sims. It's not for everyone, but it becomes a bit more accessible that ...
A example of small unexpected events could be burglers, sims get sick(I know we already have this but it doesn't happen as often as I would like), acne(teens get it randomly and feel embarrassed instead of just puttingit on in cas), getting arrested breaking curfew or vandalism, etc ...
After you return from the bayou and get arrested for running, talk to Detective Dan Mann until you have 100 relationship points with him. He will tell you that someone dug a tunnel and escaped from jail. Go back into the jail and notice that the poster that was there is now a tunnel....