Road to Fame by Sacrificial existed well before The Sims 4 Get Famous released, and its availability has not hindered this mod. It lets you take the path of a model, singer, or actress so it has a good bit of replay value. If you enjoy just leveling up in fame, you'll also like ...
y character was a Police Officer so I call the Police they come and arrest the suspect . Sims 3 I could be arrested for mischief or criminal career. Sims 4 came out and well no Call Police but you still have Call Fire Department. You have to install mods which disable Trophies and ...
A example of small unexpected events could be burglers, sims get sick(I know we already have this but it doesn't happen as often as I would like), acne(teens get it randomly and feel embarrassed instead of just puttingit on in cas), getting arrested breaking curfew or vandalism, etc ...
After you return from the bayou and get arrested for running, talk to Detective Dan Mann until you have 100 relationship points with him. He will tell you that someone dug a tunnel and escaped from jail. Go back into the jail and notice that the poster that was there is now a tunnel....
My issue is, I have a case I can not complete. The work task is "Interrogate the Suspect", but the suspects did not come to the station. I tried issuing another APB and found another suspect and arrested it with no problem, but the new suspects did not come to the police ...
Seeing this on PS4. The first APB was fine, they were at the park and several sims were present. Every APB after the first were in other locations and the only Sim present was the guilty one that needed to be arrested.
It's an active career so you can follow the sim to work and investigate crime scenes, arrest suspects, interrogate sims, take fingerprints, etc. I don't think it has an option where your active sim can be arrested though. The pack comes with build/buy items with which you can make ...
I have a problem on my game where my sims wont go in the house keep getting arrested for being past curfew and the police just leave them there. I also have another problem where I go to order a drink and soon as I am about to the bartender goes off duty. If anyone can help Tha...