If you ownThe Sims 4 Get Together Expansion, you will receive two Club Requirements with Jungle Adventure. The“+2 Archaeology”and“+2 Selvadoradian Culture”Skills are new options available when picking club requirements. Advertisement Music Genres The Sims 4 Jungle Adventure adds the brand new ...
Here is my guide to new features in the Sims 4 Cottage Living Expansion You can also find handy Cottage Living Cheats I have much more to come, since you can actually write a few guides about this pack! Calling all Blender Users Blender has been incredibly useful in video production, so ...
Get the latest news on the Sims 4, along with a Guide for PC, Mac and Console with information on Skills, Careers, Cheats, and an info-sharing Forum Community.
Click here for The Sims 4 Game Guide Click here for The Sims 4 Build Guide Click here for The Sims 4 Cheats Page Click here for The Sims 4 City Living PDF Guide Special Thanks to IamKerri for the PDF’s! To leave comments, suggestions and feedback, please see this post. ———– ...
Remember that the “boolProp testingCheatsEnabled” cheat will cause the game to periodically show various dialogue boxes with debugging information in them. The cheat is working as expected. We are investigating an issue where during certain cinematic events (such as Alien Abduction), the Sim can...
Drag tmex-alientoggle.ts4script directly to your Mods folder. DOWNLOAD All Cheats Re-enables all in-game cheats that were disabled in the seasons patch. Download ts4script file directly to Mods folder. DOWNLOAD All Scenarios Access ALL of EA's scenarios whenever you want. Including pre-releas...
Remember that the “boolProp testingCheatsEnabled” cheat will cause the game to periodically show various dialogue boxes with debugging information in them. The cheat is working as expected. We are investigating an issue where during certain cinematic events (such as Alien Abduction), the Sim can...
Delete the localthumbcache.package file from your TheSims4 folder and hop back into your game. Repeat this until your sim receives the positive moodlet indicating that they now like Fruitcake.If you want to use cheats to make your sim like Fruitcake. Enable ‘testingcheats on’ then type: ...
Whenever you are due to pay bills, pay them (if able) and then reduce your household funds to $0 using the money cheat. (Open cheat console with ctrl-c then enter ‘Testing Cheats on’ without the quotes and hit enter. Then ‘Money 0’ without the quotes and hit enter). You may no...
14.01.2025 - Patch 1.112.481 Update23.10.2024 - Patch 1.110.265 Update01.03.2024 - Added Support for new Crystals/Metals from the Crystal Creations Pack. Adjusted Recipes for Jewelry to fit the new Values of Crystals etc more.28.02.2024 - Fixed wrong Group IDs after Patch 1.105.29727.02....