Get the latest news on the Sims 4, along with a Guide for PC, Mac and Console with information on Skills, Careers, Cheats, and an info-sharing Forum Community.
Shift+Click cheats Relationship cheats Death cheats Skill Cheats Career cheats Trait cheats Let's be real: not a single one of us is life simming without some form of Sims 4 cheats up our sleeves. Whether you're working on your next cottage build, or setting up for one of the...
Get the latest news on the Sims 4, along with a Guide for PC, Mac and Console with information on Skills, Careers, Cheats, and an info-sharing Forum Community.
This is a huge, curated list of cheats in The Sims 4 that allow you to get money, prevent death, and adjust yourSkillandCareerlevels. We've also listed cheats for Get to Work and otherExpansion Packs. Look to the bottom of the list for expansion-specific information. We're also updated...
Whenever you are due to pay bills, pay them (if able) and then reduce your household funds to $0 using the money cheat. (Open cheat console with ctrl-c then enter ‘Testing Cheats on’ without the quotes and hit enter. Then ‘Money 0’ without the quotes and hit enter). You may no...
MC Command Center Mod is a popular Mod in The Sims 4 game using which you can customize in-game options without cheats. You can download this Mod fromdeaderpool-mccc.comand then extract the downloaded folder. After that, copy the unzipped folder and paste it into the Documents\Electronic Art...
UI Cheats Extension– weerbesu – tov1.39 Universal Venue List– Basemental–on CF;reupdated University Application Overhaul – adeepindigo Unlock CAS Items – Szemoka Unlocked Lot Traits – bessy Updated Map Lot Thumbnails – LunarBritney –reupdated ...
TheSims2cheats Suggestions: Check that you either have All Systems or the correct game system selected. Examples of game systems : PC, Playstation, Xbox. Check your spelling. Check that you have not spelt any of the words in the game name incorrectly. ...
UI Cheats Extension– weerbesu – tov1.39 Universal Venue List– Basemental–on CF;reupdated University Application Overhaul – adeepindigo Unlock CAS Items – Szemoka Unlocked Lot Traits – bessy Updated Map Lot Thumbnails – LunarBritney –reupdated ...
切换全屏/窗口化 headlineeffects on/off 隐藏所有小人头上的效果包括状态水晶、想法泡泡、聊天内容 |Death.toggle 小人不会死亡 开关 FreeRealEstate on/off 可在社区/世界界面输入为on时,所有的用地房屋 价格为零 motherlode + 50000金钱 kaching + 1000金钱 rosebud + 1000金钱 testingcheats true/false 开启测试...