Sims 4 Cheats To use more sims 4 cheats, type: testingCheats [true/false] which unlocks the following: cas.fulleditmode – allows all Create a Sim abilities. Shift Click on Sims Unlocks Reset Object – Resets the sim. Add to Family – Add the selected sim to the current household family...
随意摆放物品秘籍(然后按9和0键升降调整物品垂直坐标) bb.moveObjects 增加满意点数 秘籍格式:sims.give_satisfaction_points 数值 移除鼠标悬停时物品/市民高亮显示的白线框 hovereffects off 获得5W模拟币 motherlode 获得1K模拟币 kaching/rosebud 设定家庭资金数额 money 数值 启用免费入住/禁用免费入住 freeRealestate...
@mainingjean That is where you type in cheats but I'm more on about where you're typing into that area e.g. are you typing it into that whilst in create a sim, build mode, the world overview? 0 + XP Highlighted #7 Last Hero Post December 2021 Options crinrict Hero @maining...
The Sims 4cheats let you play the game exactly how you want. Sure, The Sims series is plenty of fun on its own, but you live your life with the same restrictions you find in the game every day. Cheats let you cut loose and create the neighborhood you want and the house of your dr...
先开启 testingcheats true 然后cas.fulleditmode 再shitf点击人物 直接进修改界面就能修改所有人物基因数据了 注意cas.fulleditmode 后面不要加true (论坛里秘籍那里写的是错的) 3、抱负奖励 没必要用GM之类的修改,游戏自带的秘籍就行 aspirations.complete_current_milestone 马上完成抱负,然后把所有抱负都刷一遍 ...
1、模拟人生4中一些作弊码需要先激活才能使用。 2、同时按住ctrl+shift+C 3、以下指令需先在控制台输入testingcheats true (也叫大秘籍)激活测试模式 模拟人生4怎么搬家 更新时间:2024/4/10 1、打开模拟人生4,进入游戏。 2、来到大地图中,找到我们要搬去的地方,找到后将在那住的家庭赶走。 3、我们选择自己的...
一.在Sim4游戏中按 [Ctrl] + [Shift] + C 开启控制台,输入秘籍指令后按 回车。 1、基础大秘籍(一众秘籍的基础,建议打开游戏就输入) testingcheatstrue 启用作弊模式 2、人物 cas.fulleditmode 修改人物基因(按shitf点击人物修改) sims.Spawn 产生新的小人并将其添加到您的家庭。
Visit the Forgotten Hallow, the new world in Sims 4, find out what supernatural powers your Sim may have. Dine Out pack gives you an opportunity to eat in a nice restaurant instead as usual at home. You may create your own restaurant business. Try exotic cuisines or become a founder of...
第一视角 Shift + Tab 使用 Ctrl + Shift + Tab 可在TS3镜头和TS4镜头之间快速切换 【镜头控制】 镜头跟随:右击该人物头像 Toggle Top Down View: T 【秘籍开启/关闭方法】 按 Shift + Ctrl + C 打开控制台,输入 TestingCheats True 开启秘籍,输入 TestingCheats False 关闭秘籍。开启秘籍之后,按住 Shift ...
@mainingjean That is where you type in cheats but I'm more on about where you're typing into that area e.g. are you typing it into that whilst in create a sim, build mode, the world overview? Reply crinrict Hero+ to mainingjean4 years ago @mainingjean The money cheat only works ...