1、金钱修改 不要用motherlode,太累了 直接sims.modify_funds 5000000 500w直接到位 2、人物修改 先开启 testingcheats true 然后cas.fulleditmode 再shitf点击人物 直接进修改界面就能修改所有人物基因数据了 注意cas.fulleditmode 后面不要加true (论坛里秘籍那里写的是错的) 3、抱负奖励 没必要用GM之类的修改,游...
cheat mode TestingCheats on/testingCheats off * friendship hints to simulate the life series tradition: when cheating mode is enabled, Shift click the door box to call out a number of cheat menu, please use it flexibly. Get the 5W analog currency motherlode Get the 1K analog currency Ka...
模拟人生4秘籍(The4CheatsofSIMS) 1,moneymodification Don'tusemotherlode.It'stootired Directsims.modify_funds5000000 500Wdirectlyinplace 2,charactermodification Starttestingcheatstruefirst Thencas.fulleditmode Thenshitfclickthecharactersdirectlyintothemodified ...
Sims4秘籍 模拟人生4秘籍输入(开启)方法: TheCheatConsolecanbebroughtupbypressingCTRL+SHIFT+C.Inputthefollowingtextintothetextinputfieldthatappearsatthetopofthescreen. 同时按下按键CTRL+SHIFT+C,屏幕上方会出现文本输入框,输入以下文字秘籍(并按回车键Enter)即可。 秘籍是下文中引号里的文字。on/off、true...
(应该是模拟人生4新增秘籍。对于爱护模拟市民的玩家很实用。) • “FreeRealEstate [on|off]” - Can be entered at neighborhood/world. If on, all homes are free while the cheat is active. “免费房地产”。可以在社区/城镇(世界)界面下输入,使任何房屋免费。 • “motherlode” - provides 50000 ...
To use more sims 4 cheats, type: testingCheats [true/false] which unlocks the following: cas.fulleditmode – allows all Create a Sim abilities. Shift Click on Sims Unlocks Reset Object – Resets the sim. Add to Family – Add the selected sim to the current household family. Cheat Motive...
The only major drawback to using cheats is that they disable the ability to earn trophies or achievements. If you want to earn these again as normal, simply type "testingcheats off" to turn off cheat mode. 1. Immortal Sims All of the Sims inThe Sims 4have a lifecycle, and they'll ev...
The first thing to know is that in order to enter the codes and cheat keys in The Sims 4 you need to press several keys or buttons at the same time on your PC or console. This will bring up a box where you will be able to enter the cheats. ...
This is the second part of our sims 4 cheats article and we will see more specific and detailed cheats here. As always, we open our cheat console with ”Ctrl + Shift + C ” and enter ” testingcheats true ” to activate cheats mode. We always have to do this before entering our che...
Bekannte Mods, die betroffen sind Cult Mods (PimpMySims4), hochgeladen bei ModTheSims – inzwischen gelöscht Social Events - Unlimited Time (MySims4), hochgeladen bei Curseforge; Dateinamen: Social Events.package and Social Events.ts4script – inzwischen gelöscht Seasons Cheat Menu (...