This handy mod by Weerbesu makes using Sims 4 cheats a breeze if you don't know the lot by heart. Right-clicking various parts of the normal Sims 4 interface will give you extra options for things like giving a household more money, promoting Sims in their careers, or changing the in...
Sims 4 Studio –Windows - Star; Mac - Aurora TS4 Premade Household Tool – Denton47 TS4 Sound Tool – denton47 Tuning Error Notifier – Scumbumbo/Nisa K – modders' tool only; if you downloaded the first update, redownload! Sul sul!I don't work for E...
money 100000 set household funds to 100,000 simoleons or any other number (big or small) that you choose Row 3 - Cell 2 Remember to open the cheat console with Ctrl+Shift+C on PC. Enter these codes as written and press enter to seal in your insta-rich wishes. More Sims 4 money ...
Two of the Sims were part of bigger households so the one added (via Ask to Move In) brought Zero Simoleons. The third in this example unbeknownst to me was the only person in her (homeless) household and thus brought 20K Simoleons. Ask to Move In may also be a better option before ...
1. Saving household will preserve major relationships within said household, but, as you've mentioned, it will destroy all progress of current sims. In most cases, the sims that need to be restored are/were a part of some bigger major player's family - that's the main reason WHY players...
The Sims 4 is approaching its 10 year anniversary and within that time there have been many advances to gaming computer capabilities. Maybe newer computers are capable of running a 12 Sim household. Also in the Gameplay category could be a Toggle for the Separate Pets category for Played Sims...
3. Donate to charity. 4. At this point, any adult child who marries out gets 5,000,000. That's coming soon in one save. I'm also considering taking the recycler to some of our household inventory.