I only have MC Command Center so if anyone could give me tips on how to have more sims, it would be great, thank you. @KaufmannIn game click on a Computer, Go to MCCC, MCCC Settings, Gamesettings Here you find Max householdsize @KaufmannIn game click on a Computer, Go to...
Addon which hides the Mod Interactions behind the “Shift Click” Ingame Claimed In Inventory: Claimed Objects like Tablets, Instruments will be put into the Inventory after being used *** Recommandation: If you allow non Household Members to use those Objects and want to set it back to publi...
Extra: another thing to add is the sims team has been adding a lot of gift giving in the sims. From dust bunnies, rabbits and birds. I like this but the items being given are worth to much. We also Don't have enough to do for each lifestage. We have way more for young adults. ...