Hi, So, in my Game Options it says that I have 8/80 Sims in my household, but the option try for a baby doesn’t show. I only have MC Command Center so if anyone could give me tips on how to have more sims, it would be great, thank you. @KaufmannIn game click on ...
This Mod adds a new Social Activities Menu to Sims Phones. There you’ll find several Social Activities you can send your Sims to. You can go alone or take Household Members with you to visit some Friends for example. Infants that are carried by your Sim, or in the Back Carrier, will ...
Re: Crashing and more than 8 household mod problem @3S3KimReed3S3 hey there Firstly, mods for the Sims 3 are not officially supported by EA. As this is an official support forum, I cannot assist you in that regard. Anything to do with mods, you do at your own risk. I can help...
It will not affect the Active Household, NPCs in your Ensemble or Job NPCs like Bartenders! How to choose which Sims are not allowed to enter: On Doors you’ll find the new Pie Menu “Gender & More not allowed” when the Lot Trait is activated on the Lot. There you can configure whi...
These Sims say random things for no reason. Ages: Child Teen Young Adult Adult Elder Type: Personality Interactions: (6) Talk About Uncommon Household Items Ask About Random Knowledge Random Prank Talk About Alive Gnomes From Different Worlds ...
The Sims 4 UI Cheats Extension mod is the most popular way of solving your household funds problems forever in the game. It provides, what we believe to be, some of The Sims 4’s best methods for managing in-game finances and allows your sims to live out their wildest dreams. ...
Want to try something different? Here are three very different ideas for gameplay using The Sims 4 Eco Lifestyle.
It will not affect the Active Household, NPCs in your Ensemble or Job NPCs like Bartenders! How to choose which Sims are not allowed to enter: On Doors you’ll find the new Pie Menu “Gender & More not allowed” when the Lot Trait is activated on the Lot. ...
Addon which hides the Mod Interactions behind the “Shift Click” Ingame Claimed In Inventory: Claimed Objects like Tablets, Instruments will be put into the Inventory after being used *** Recommandation: If you allow non Household Members to use those Objects and want to set it back to publi...
@Kaufmann In your Options the entry 8/80 means that you have 8 played Sims with a maximum of 80.The maximum of 80 Sims doesn't mean 80 Sims in ONE Household. - 8698244