·下载地址(可直连):https://modthesims.info/d/668610/sims-3-mod-organizer.html 找了一圈没找到中文使用说明,程序又是英文的,自己摸索着用了下,上手不算难,供各位还在观望的朋友们参考。 一、下载安装 1、进入网址,下拉至文字部分 2、下载zip后解压到随意文件夹(路径中最好不带中文) 其中:Mods文件夹是...
Final part of CAS Organizer- Accessories! There is no thumbnail "wrist left" and "brow ring left" 'cause I can't put them first before the EA. Also I didn't create thumbnail of glasses, necklace, fingernails, toenails 'cause I don't see a need for them.CurseForge...
Desktop OS/version used to run Mod Organizer: Windows 10, in french Details: At first, the game was installed in french and I had to edit the GameDataPath in game_sims4.py to "%DOCUMENTS%/Electronic Arts/Les Sims 4/Mods" for MO2 to open without error. Mods were not working so I ...
Sims 4 Best Mods I've created a massive List of The Best Mods in The Sims 4 that should be very helpful to new players and those who have not yet explored modding and how much it can do for your gameplay. Sims 4 Star Wars The Sims 4: Star Wars Journey to Batuu has been announced...
Politician Career Track - Become President or a Charity Organizer Social Media Career - Make money selling out! Singing Skill - Sing in the shower, make money, karaoke, or Serenade Sims. The Sims 4 Dine OutPlacing a Restaurant - How to use the new restaurants Making a Restaurant - Making ...
Male Adult/Teen/Elder–8Hairstyles and Hats,1Facial Hair,11Tops,5Bottoms,12Outfits,3Pairs of Shoes,1Accessory,3Tattoos Male Children–2Hairstyles and Hats,2Tops,4Bottom,1Outfit,5Pairs of Shoes,6Accessories Hairstyles and Hats Clothing Shoes/Accessories/Tattoos ...
Mechanic, 2-Tool Organizer, MTWTF-- 8AM 8 HOURS, 55, 0.25, FOCUSED, HANDINESS 4 ROCKET SCIENCE 2 LOGIC 4 - Your fellow mechanics need their tools kept in order, and it's your job to make sure it's done. This will ensure your organizational skills for when you are a full fledged me...
City Living allows you to play politics in the style of The Sims. You can go for being a politician and run for President. Or you can move towards the Charity Organizercareer pathand work for various causes. This profession begins with four stages, after which you must choose one of two...
CHARITY ORGANIZER $342/hour 6 hours $2.052/day 3 days $6.156/week POLITICAL CAREER (city living) INTERNET PERSONALITY $540/hour 4 hours $2.160/day 3 days $6.480/week SOCIAL MEDIA CAREER (city living) PUBLIC RELATIONS $453/hour 7 hours $3.171/day 4 days $12.684/week SOCIAL MEDIA CAREER ...
Politician (charity organizer): §16/hr – §342/hr Secret Agent (diamond agent): §17/hr – §284/hr Secret Agent (villain): §17/hr – §515/hr Tech Guru (eSport gamer): §31/hr –§328/hr Tech Guru (start-up entrepreneur): §31/hr –§516/hr Writer (author): §25/hr....