Last Mod Organizer Version that did not exhibit the issue (if applicable): Desktop OS/version used to run Mod Organizer: Windows 10, in french Details: At first, the game was installed in french and I had to edit the GameDataPath in to "%DOCUMENTS%/Electronic Arts/Les S...
Final part of CAS Organizer- Accessories! There is no thumbnail "wrist left" and "brow ring left" 'cause I can't put them first before the EA. Also I didn't create thumbnail of glasses, necklace, fingernails, toenails 'cause I don't see a need for them.CurseForge...
Support my project to improve The Sims 4's gameplay on Patreon. Carl's Sims 4 Guide for PC, Xbox One and Playstation 4 Disabling Seasions But Keeping its Stuff - Want to disable weather or make plants in season year-round? You can do so with my new Seasons Tuner Mod Improving Sims ...
合并后文件位置:D:\Documents\Electronic Arts\模擬市民3\Mods\ModBuilds(即你本身的Mods夹下的ModBuilds文件夹) 合并后文件名称:Merge1.package !!修改文件名后移到package夹!! 我个人有新建一个Merge分类专门放合并后mod,可供参考 5、扫尾工作 (1)确认此次想要合并的Mod均已完成合并; (2)正版玩家这一步应该...
Politician Career Track - Become President or a Charity Organizer Social Media Career - Make money selling out! Singing Skill - Sing in the shower, make money, karaoke, or Serenade Sims. The Sims 4 Dine OutPlacing a Restaurant - How to use the new restaurants Making a Restaurant - Making ...
Mechanic, 2-Tool Organizer, MTWTF-- 8AM 8 HOURS, 55, 0.25, FOCUSED, HANDINESS 4 ROCKET SCIENCE 2 LOGIC 4 - Your fellow mechanics need their tools kept in order, and it's your job to make sure it's done. This will ensure your organizational skills for when you are a full fledged me...
Politician (charity organizer): §16/hr – §342/hr Secret Agent (diamond agent): §17/hr – §284/hr Secret Agent (villain): §17/hr – §515/hr Tech Guru (eSport gamer): §31/hr –§328/hr Tech Guru (start-up entrepreneur): §31/hr –§516/hr Writer (author): §25/hr....
FOOD CRITIC $441/hour 5 hours $2.205/day 4 days $8.820/ week CRITIC CAREER (city living) PRESIDENT $340/hour 7 hours $2.380/day 4 days $9.520/week POLITICAL CAREER (city living) CHARITY ORGANIZER $342/hour 6 hours $2.052/day 3 days $6.156/week POLITICAL CAREER (city living) INTERNET...
·下载地址(可直连): 找了一圈没找到中文使用说明,程序又是英文的,自己摸索着用了下,上手不算难,供各位还在观望的朋友们参考。 一、下载安装 1、进入网址,下拉至文字部分 2、下载zip后解压到随意文件夹(路径中最好不带中文) ...
Associated with Careers:Management (Business Career), Charity Organizer (Politician Career), Public Relations (Social Media Career), Journalist (Writer Career) Degree Description:To understand one another, we must first learn how to communicate with one another. With an emphasis on building theCharisma...