Re: 请问V3s Simple Framebuffer 启动之后,就把uboot显示的图片给清理了,两秒黑屏才进入app, 有什么办法不让他清屏呢 据我所知drm会从simplefb继承fb0,无需重新初始化,从而实现无缝切换。所以kernel和dts要保留simplefb支持。 内核里kernel选drm以及simple panel驱动即可。我记得荔枝派那个分支是关掉了了simplefb支持...
So to prevent this, let's add a workaround and make the sysfb to skip the "simple-framebuffer" registration when nvidia-drm.modeset=1 option is set and thus fallback to either efifb (on amd64 and arm64 UEFI devices) or vesafb (on amd64 BIOS devices)....
The coreboot framebuffer driver registers a "simple-framebuffer" device based on the information from the firmware, after checking that it's compatible with the formats listed in simplefb.h. It was added before simpledrm, and its Kconfig marked as dependent on the simplefb driver. The simple...
A simple Linux framebuffer drawing lib You may want to install (for Ubuntu): libpng12-dev, libfreetype6-dev, ttf-liberation (or any other TTF font) or similar. Check src/demos/squares.lua and luajit/arvre.lua for calling the lib from LuaJIT. ...
A Simple Graphics Card based on STM32H7 with High Resolution(up to 1920x1080), DMA2D, PicoGL(TinyGL Framebuffer Edition), Programmable & dynamic pseudo-multi-threads and RS232 Serial/USB Serial/VGA Output support. - L1uTongweiNewAccount/SimpleGraphics