To be an better Gopher, get your hands dirty. Topcoder offered a serials of challenges for learning Golang. In this blog, I tried to implement "Go Learning Challenge - Simple Web-API Server"[1]. What's used in this challenge ? Following aspects and packages will be covered in this cha...
[1] Simple Web API Server : [2] OAuth2 Server : [3] git :
Ran is a simple web server for serving static files. Github: Docker Hub: Features Directory listing Automatic gzip compression Digest authentication Access logging Custom 401 and 404 error file ... the repository:git clone go to build an executable (will create the "ran" binary):cd ran go buildRun RanYou can start a web server without any options by typing ran and pressing return in terminal window....
再说说go-zero又是什么呢,简单来说就是一款云原生微服务框架客户端。Github星星数高达24k的项目,官方是这么介绍的: go-zero 是一个集成了各种工程实践的 web 和 rpc 框架,具有高性能、易扩展和低门槛的推特性,感兴趣的朋友可以自行查阅: 项目地址: 代码语言:javascript ...
UDP:支持std net packageDNS消息解析器:根据特定协议处理来自线路的数据包将需要一些工作,为了快速实现,我们将使用转发:除了让我们使用Cloudflare公共解析器1.1.1.1缓存:内存和持久性,对于持久性写入,我们将使用std gob包对数据进行编码HTTP处理程序:应该创建,读取,更新和删除DNS记录。
I want use golang pion/webrtc to publish local video file to a video server, bug this video server only support TCP connection, when i generate offer SDP by pion/webrtc code and candidate list have no ... go webrtc turn simplewebrtc ...
Use OpenTelemetry Collector to forward trace data from OpenTelemetry, Jaeger, Zipkin, OpenCensus, Amazon Web Services (AWS) X-Ray, and Splunk SignalFx platforms to Simple Log Service. If you forward trace data from Jaeger, all communication protocols are supported. ...
SimpleTorrentis a a self-hosted remote torrent client, written in Go (golang). Started torrents remotely, download sets of files on the local disk of the server, which are then retrievable or streamable via HTTP. This project is a re-branded fork ofcloud-torrentbyjpillora. ...
WEB上传(浏览器打开) http://yourserverip:8080 注意:不要使用127.0.0.1上传 使用文档 最佳实践(必读) 视频教程 如果你觉得本项目不错,请点击项目顶部的star按钮关注本项目 QQ交流群:964274270(go-fastdfs技术交流群)已满 QQ交流群:709218487(go-fastdfs技术交流群)已满 ...