一个简单的线程池. Contribute to LincolnHa/simpleThreadPool development by creating an account on GitHub.
threadpool.c threadpool.h README BSD-2-Clause license UPDATE: I have replaced the original pthread withtinycthread, so it's working on both Windows and POSIX systems. Currently, the implementation: Works with pthreads only, but API is intentionally opaque to allow other implementations (Windows...
由于某些原因导致触发器(trigger)在该触发的时候没有得到触发,后续对应的解决策略即为哑火策略。(个人理解) 2. 哑火触发的条件 ①:所有的工作线程都在忙碌,导致某些trigger得不到触发.(如:simplethreadpool 默认是10个工作线程,但我有15个trigger同时触发, 恰巧这10个trigger关联的job耗时都很长,剩下的5个trigger...
Multiple threads are maintained in the thread pool. When a scheduled task is received, it can be avoided to create a thread for direct execution, thereby reducing the consumption of service resources, managing relatively uncertain concurrent tasks in a relatively certain thread pool, and improving s...
privatestaticvoidOptimizationPool(){// check cpu time to startThread.Sleep(100);// 检測间隔时间20秒floatintervalTimeTodetect =20f;// after how many times counts to reset count.// 循环检測多少次。后记录清零。每次仅仅处理须要处理的前5个池。constintcheckTimesForEach =5;// 暂时池管理对象Dictiona...
本文采用池化思想,完成一个简单的Pool,复用对象的同时,保证SimpleDateFormat在多线程环境下的安全使用。 1、SimplePool的实现 定义变量 为实现简单的Pool,定义几个简单的变量: 1、对象池大小 代码语言:javascript 复制 //对象池大小privatefinal int poolSize; ...
Points represent colony means. Bars & whiskers indicate grand means and standard errors.aProportion of specialist workers (individuals that belong to only one module). The red line shows the case when the twoA. melliferanurse modules were treated separately, rather than being pooled. General linea...
int GetMultipleSourceItems(unsigned int index, unsigned int grfGSI, unsigned int cItems, std::Array <Microsoft::VisualStudio::Shell::Interop::VSITEMSELECTION> const & rgItemSel); Parameters index UInt32 [in] Specifies the index of the list item of interest. grfGSI UInt32 ...
threadpool 方法调用多个参数实例 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 #!/usr/bin/python3 importthreadpool def moreParamFunc(a,b,c,d): print(a,b,c,d) return0 #调用4个参数... pushParam = [1,'two',3,4]...