function with a javascript one-liner that prints "hello world"$ fissionfunctioncreate--name hello --env nodejs --code the function. This takes about 100msec the first time.$ fissionfunctiontest--name hello Hello, ...
int is a Python function converting objects to integers and op1 and op2 are user defined functions. op1 and op2 functions: op1 = lambda f,x: {'+':pos, '-':neg}[f](x) op2 = lambda f,y: lambda x: {'+': add, '-': sub, '*': mul, '/': div}[f](x,y) # red applyies... migrated from AWS Lambda to Kubernetes, only to find that their code would no longer scale how they needed. They reached out to us, and we wrote up a reference architecture. Learn more:Generate PDFs at scale on Kubernetes using OpenFaaS and Puppeteer ...
In this tutorial, you use a Lambda function in one AWS account to subscribe to an Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) topic in a separate AWS account. When you publish messages to your Amazon SNS topic, your Lambda function reads the contents
Your Lambda function should return a JSON object that contains the headers and values that will be returned for theHeadObjectcall. The following example shows the structure of the Lambda response JSON forHeadObject. {"statusCode": <number>;// Required"errorCode": <string>;"errorMessage": <stri...
LambdaLR( optimizer, lr_lambda=lambda step: 0.85**step ) # Initialize the console logger logger = PythonLogger("main") # General python logger # Initialize the MLFlow logger initialize_mlflow( experiment_name="Modulus Tutorials", experiment_desc="Simple Modulus Tutorials", run_name="Modulus ...
根据网上的代码做了一个简单的笔记,边看代码边思考,随便写了点东西,不是很正式。 - simple-dmrg 1.0 documentation # 程序目的:开始有限链长DMRG算法 # 1.输入参数 # L:系统…
="function":4returnNone5name = step['data']['name']6res = step['data'].get('ret')7args = {i["key"]: i["value"]foriincode["args"]}89desc = {10"snapshot":lambda:u"Screenshot description: %s"% args.get("msg"),11"touch":lambda:u"Touch %s"% ("target image"ifisinstance(...
logger.opt(lazy=True).debug("If sink level <= DEBUG: {x}", x=lambda: expensive_function(2**64)) # By the way, "opt()" serves many usages logger.opt(exception=True).info("Error stacktrace added to the log message") logger.opt(ansi=True).info("Per message <blue>colors</blue>"...
function need to receive an # interable of filenames as their parameter. The corresponding files were # generated by RUN_FUNC and need tobe treated accordingly. The keys of the # eva dict are the corresponding names of the "macro" quantity. EVA = {"<macroQ1>": lambda fnames: <do_...