SimplePlanes Builds in SimplePlanes 2 - Part Two! Jundroo2 days ago 62 Miku Plush LunarEclipseSPyesterday 50 Su-34 Fullback BARRENDyesterday 49 LJH B-0A1B BUS(1970) LJh24 days ago 43 Messerschmitt Bf 109Z-1 Mal0ne23 hours ago
to start engine, activate 6, to drive on to hill, activate 7 to enable 4x4 driving.after you drive on to the sea surface, activate 1after you extension the legs with button8, you can open the door by push VTOL with button2 enabled.then, you can open your top window by pull VTOL ...
New planes that I make (listed): A310-200(Planned Rework) A310-300C(Planned Rework) A318 A318SH A319SH A319NEO A320SH A320NEO A340-500(Updated) A340-600(Updated) B737-300(Planned Rework) B737-400(Planned Rework) B737-500(Planned Rework) B737-600(Planned Rework) B737 MAX 9 B747-100...
Auto Credit Based on 1918's 747-100 200 bass Control Vtol down:Flap Trim up &down:minute attitude control 2:Landinglight 3:Reverse 4:Airbrakes 5:Gyro 7:Night mode Special thanks to KLM_747 My new jumbo jet was created using his wing. -100 CheatlineB -200 -200 Billboard SP SP N...
36 Lockheed L-1011 Tristar (100-Part) B747Driver 3 months ago 32 100-Part Boeing 747-400 B747Driver 5 months ago 32 Qantas 747-400ER (100-Part) B747Driver 5 months ago 31 The 100-Part 747 (old version) B747Driver 1.7 years ago 25 100-Part Boeing 314 Clipper B747Driver 7...
B747-200 G-BDXJ F/A-18 Super Hornet B777-300ER TU-95 Bear SR-71 Blackbird F-22 Raptor Su-27 Flanker Su-30SM Flanker-H Su-35 Super Flanker Su-33 Sea Flanker Su-57 Felon Su-24 Fencer F-14 Tomcat Su-37 Terminator and many more Interested games: SimplePlanes SimpleRockets 2 (did...
this is my verison of the B 747 sorry for the terrible windows and cockpit. controles: vtol= flaps. AG2 activate for smoke and fire all 4 rocets for the some effect. max of 480mph.Specifications Spotlights CillitBangGang 6.8 years ago General Characteristics Predecessor Boeing 777 9X [low...
This is not right, only the A380 has two turbo fan engines on each side and bigger cargo planes do to, every aircraft that only has one level of cabin where people sit only have two or three engines 3 for a trijet, so I'm not trying to be mean, just make it a little more real...
Previously known as Asdfghjklxiehong, CAACpliot, BilibiliWuChuanMaiSiYi, Cestbon Highlighted Airplanes 5 A340-200 Simple Jet CestbonSP 10 months ago 6 A318[IAE] CestbonSP one year ago 3 B737-800[W]Scoot CestbonSP one year ago 8 Wood truck CestbonSP 7 months ago 7 P-51-D Jet ve...
joined 3.4 years ago 1 followers PostsCommentsFollowing Player Biography This player has not entered a biography. Highlighted Airplanes 0 VTOL powered Aircraft B747A3803.4 years ago