"H.XVIIIC/B-2 The C model of the H.XVIII was based on the airframe of the H.XVIIIA with a huge tail. It had an MG 151 turret set in the middle rear of the wing and with six BMW 003 turbojets slung under the wings; this was designed by Messerschmitt and Junkers engineers. It...
Can I request a full B-2 that's like your other builds? 4.4 years ago 1,653 Theful1941 @WIZARD2017 Thank you very much 5.5 years ago 84.6k WIZARD2017 Sure.@TheBlyatful1941 +1 5.5 years ago 1,653 Theful1941 Can i use as the Valiant Air Force main strategic bomber?
【题目】根据短文理解, 从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择最佳答案填空。 There are robots all around us. Some do very1jobs like flying planes and driving subway trains. And some do simple jobs. When an automatic自动的) washing machine2, water goes in. The machine wait until the water is hot3wa...
Dassault Super-Mystère B.2 35.0kWarHawk956.9 years ago Download 170 downloads ReplicaFighterJetFranceYouTube-Frantic Matty Auto CreditBased on WarHawk95'sDassault S.M.-B2 French fighter of the late 50's &60's, wich was the first supersonic fighter of the french Air Force. You could see ...
Auto Credit Based on Johndfg's Northrop Grumman B-2 Spirit My (almost) 1:1 Spirit is finally here! Because of all the moving parts, yaw controls and bombs were impossible to add.The B-2 Spirit, also known as the Stealth Bomber, is an American heavy penetration strategic bomber, ...
Hello everyone, and in particular WarHawk95, mate, I could not go past your request, I myself was inspired and made Super-Mystère B.2. Thank you for supporting my past work. This is a powerful French, and you don’t have to shy away about baguettes, this is a very interesting ...
So I'm not sure what happen but I used this on my quest 2 for the vr version and it worked fine but after a few weeks/months everytime I try and use it now it glitches out and keeps shaking/going up and down...not sure how this happened, maybe a update broke it...seems to ...
2S30 Dingo Air-Deployed Amphibious Light Tank Instructions: •Activate 1 - Unlock main turret elevation controls and gun •Activate 2 - Unlock controls for RWS machine gun (VTOL & Trim) •Use Yaw and VTOL for turret controls •Use Pitch and Roll to drive •Throttle to activate amphib...
Auto Credit Based on MVC's Ibishu Pigeon B how modify a car if it has 3 wheels? Of course, add 2 additional ones! Yes, I couldn't get around this modification and now the car doesn't turn over. also, there is now a 57kg box in the body, of course, if you wish, you can ...
Auto Credit Based on DimaKosheleFF's KMT2-17 Einherjer Maybe it's my last craft in SP, but anyway I glad to present it to you. It's KMT2-17 Einherjer Ausführung B main battle tank. Mighty 15.5cm kwk 18 l/41 with AP, HE, HESH shels and missiles, makes that MBT very ...