Can load cube maps directly into an OpenGL texture (same features as regular 2D textures, above) Can take six image files directly into an OpenGL cube map texture Can take a single image file where width = 6*height (or vice versa), split it into an OpenGL cube map texture No external ...
Simple OpenGL Image Library Introduction: SOIL is a tiny C library used primarily for uploading textures into OpenGL. It is based on stb_image version 1.16, the public domain code from Sean Barrett (found here). It has been extended to load TGA and DDS files, and to perform common function...
ImageKit Intents IOSurface iTunesLibrary JavaScriptCore LocalAuthentication MapKit MediaAccessibility MediaLibrary MediaPlayer MediaToolbox Metal MetalKit MetalPerformanceShaders MobileCoreServices ModelIO MultipeerConnectivity NaturalLanguage Network NetworkExtension NotificationCenter ObjCRuntime OpenGL OpenTK PdfKit Ph...
The GLU library includes a set of functions for drawing various simple surfaces (spheres, cylinders, disks, and parts of disks) in a variety of styles and orientations. These functions are described in detail in theOpenGL Reference Manual. ...
Add support for installing and using the Mesa 3D library for OpenGL rendering. 2年前 Turned the header image in into a link. 7年前 Updated the changelog and version number for 2.5.1 6年前 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/2.6...
This is a blog post by iOS Tutorial Team member Ali Hafizji, an iOS and Android developer working at Tavisca Solutions. In this tutorial, you’re going to get hands-on experience making a simple game on Android using AndEngine, a popular and easy to use
Advanced Graphics Programming Using OpenGL C using the OpenGL library, including coverage of color and lighting; texture mapping; blending and compositing; antialiasing; image processing; special effects; natural phenomena; artistic and non-photorealistic techniques, and many others... D Blythe,B Granth...
OpenGL OpenAL stb_image SoundTouch FFmpeg 软件功能 基础建模 基础绘图 UV坐标编辑以及贴图 音频解码 变声器 立体音频 渲染输出打印 动画制作 待加功能 材质 音频编码输出 视频编解码 着色器编辑器 渲染3D音频、动画、视频并编码输出 代码控制节点编辑器
A widget for displaying OpenGL graphics See Section 24.1 in Chapter 24 . QGrid A widget that lays its children out in a grid and has no visual appearance of its own See Chapter 6. QGridView A general base class for tabular data See Section 4.17. QGroupBox A group box frame with a...
mingw32-make.exe[1]: Entering directory 'F:/A_Clion/opengl_exp_6/cmake-build-debug/CMakeFiles/CMakeTmp' Building C object CMakeFiles/cmTC_e3040.dir/testCCompiler.c.obj F:\software\Dev-Cpp\MinGW64\bin\gcc.exe -o CMakeFiles\cmTC_e3040.dir\testCCompiler....