The only mandatory run-time dependencies of globjects are the STL of the used compiler, glbinding, and an OpenGL driver library, dynamically linked with your application. However, compilingglobjectsrequires the following required and optional dependencies: ...
GLFFT is a C++11/OpenGL library for doing the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) on a GPU in one or two dimensions. The target APIs are OpenGL 4.3 core profile and OpenGL ES 3.1. GLFFT is implemented entirely with compute shaders. The FFT has several uses in graphics. The two main ones ar...
gltools is library for quickly creating OpenGL based application in Python/Cython with support for: Access to vertex buffers and GLSL shaders Access to truetype fonts Windows handling through GLFW Saving framebuffer content to PNG file. Simple GUI controls OpenGL version 2.1 is targeted which should...
This is an OpenGL 4.6 renderer library for Yamagi Quake II. Compilation You'll need: clang or gcc, GNU Make, SDL2 with sdl2-config, opengl-headers Type make to compile the library. If the compilation is successfull, the library can be found under release/ref_gl4.dll (Windows) or rel...
glfreetype Another OpenGL FreeType library I needed to display text in OpenGL. Other libraries were simply too massive for my needs/there were no clear examples. I discovered FreeType and the following NeHe tutorial: ...
Low Level Graphics Library (LLGL) is a thin abstraction layer for the modern graphics APIs OpenGL, Direct3D, Vulkan, and Metal - LukasBanana/LLGL
A modern opengl text rending library for Golang. Contribute to ikemen-engine/glfont development by creating an account on GitHub.
GLee (GL Easy Extension library) is a free cross-platform extension loading library for OpenGL. *DO NOT USE IN NEW CODE, CLONED FOR POSTERITY* - kallisti5/glee
find_package(skity CONFIG REQUIRED) target_link_library(main skity::skity) Initialization The code below shows how to create a skity::Canvas instance using GLFW with OpenGL backend. The full code can look at GLFWwindow* window = glfwCreateWindow(800, 600, "Demo", nullptr, nu...