133 - Day 28 Mini ATM Machine Final OOP Project 16:59 134 - Day 29 Simple GUI App Tkinter Basics 19:58 135 - Day 30 Click Counter App Buttons Events 21:11 136 - Day 31 BMI Calculator Input Fields 20:49 137 - Day 32 Drawing Pad App Canvas Widgets 21:54 138 - Day 33 Si...
105 - Learn Python from Scratch Quick Tutorial 39:30 106 - Day 1 Welcome Message Generator Print Statements Hello World 12:08 107 - Day 2 Personalized Greeting Program Variables Data Types 13:40 108 - Day 3 Simple Calculator User Input String Formatting 13:17 109 - Day 4 Number Comp...
sequence.py: Python script that reads the program (sequence) from a ".txt" file, transforms it into the "sequence.action" format and executes it by triggering the ROS 2 Action Server defined in sequence.cpp. For further detail about how Robot Movements and sequences are executed, please cli...
We also want our fellow hackers to stay ahead of the game, reNgine also comes with automatic vulnerability reporting (ATM only Hackerone is supported, other platforms may come soon). This allows hackers to define their vulnerability report template, and reNgine will do the rest of the job to...
/* c program to calculate simple interest*/#include<stdio.h>intmain(){floatamount,rate,time,si;printf("Enter principal (Amount) :");scanf("%f",&amount);printf("Enter rate :");scanf("%f",&rate);printf("Enter time (in years) :");scanf("%f",&time);si=(amount*rate*time)/100;pr...
Application of OpenAir and AgDRIFT Models to Estimate Organophosphate Pesticide Spray Drift: A Case Study in Macon County, Alabama 2023, Agriculture (Switzerland) Enriched spatial analysis of air pollution: Application to the city of Bogotá, Colombia 2022, Frontiers in Environmental Science The AtmChi...
133 - Day 28 Mini ATM Machine Final OOP Project 16:59 134 - Day 29 Simple GUI App Tkinter Basics 19:58 135 - Day 30 Click Counter App Buttons Events 21:11 136 - Day 31 BMI Calculator Input Fields 20:49 137 - Day 32 Drawing Pad App Canvas Widgets 21:54 138 - Day 33 Si...
We also want our fellow hackers to stay ahead of the game, reNgine also comes with automatic vulnerability reporting (ATM only Hackerone is supported, other platforms may come soon). This allows hackers to define their vulnerability report template, and reNgine will do the rest of the job to...
Type of Issues (Enhancement, Error, Bug, Question) Question Operating System Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS x86_64 Python version Python 3.6.9 PySimpleGUI Port and Version tkinter. 4.30.0 Released 15-Oct-2020 Your Experience Levels In Months or Year...