{'test': {'balance': 11000.0, 'passwd': 'test'}, 'root': {'balance': 9000.0, 'passwd': 'python'}} 用户名对应一个字典,内字典key是passwd和balance,对应用户的密码和余额,在实现程序之前,先创建这个user.info文件 我用pickle.dump方法把测试用户写入文件: import pickle info_dict={'root':{'pass...
code="for i in range(10):print(i)" #print(compile(code,'','exec')) #c=compile(code,'','exec') # 把字符串编译成可执行文件 exec(code) # exec可直接执行。。。(多行) list=[] print(dir(list)) # 可以查方法 print(divmod(5,3)) # 得商,余数 l=[1,2,3] for i in enumerate(...
3 - Day 2 Control Flow in Python 32:47 4 - Day 3 Functions and Modules 23:23 5 - Day 4 Data Structures Lists Tuples Dictionaries Sets 30:34 6 - Day 5 Working with Strings 23:54 7 - Day 6 File Handling 22:49 8 - Day 7 Pythonic Code and Project Work 39:29 9 - In...
if username in data.keys(): return False, '用户名已存在!' # 使用验证码进行人机校验 code = random_code(4) # 验证码校验 code_input = input(f"请输入验证码:{code}\n验证码输入:>>>").strip() if code.upper() != code_input.upper(): return "验证码输入错误!" # 加密密码 password =...
return: 加密字符串28'''29importhashlib30returnhashlib.md5(password).hexdigest()313233defVerification_input():34'''35登录验证码校验36:return: True37'''38whileTAG:39re =Verification_Code()40code = raw_input('请输入括号里的验证码,不区分大小写({0}):'.format(re))41ifcode.strip().lower()...
PythonATM功能实现代码实例 PythonATM功能实现代码实例编写ATM程序实现下述功能,数据来源于⽂件db.txt 1、充值功能:⽤户输⼊充值钱数,db.txt中该账号钱数完成修改 2、转账功能:⽤户A向⽤户B转账1000元,db.txt中完成⽤户A账号减钱,⽤户B账号加钱 3、提现功能:⽤户输⼊提现⾦额,db.txt...
Python module for calculating radiative fluxes with ARTS. The module is an easy-to-use wrapper to calculate radiative fluxes with ARTS. The idea behind is to prepare a basic setup so that the user can easily calculate radiative fluxes with ARTS without having to deal with the actual ARTS ...
python -m scripts.train_libero_track_transformer --suite $SUITE_NAME Stage 2: Track-guided Policy Training The vanilla BC baseline can be trained by the following command, where $SUITE_NAME can be libero_spatial, libero_object, libero_goal, or libero_10 (i.e., LIBERO-Long in our paper...
import random#导入随机模块 class ATM(): #定义ATM类对象 def init(self, maxtime=10): #初始化,定义最大操作时间10分钟 self.t_max = maxtime #maxtime传递给self.t_max
python面向过程编程 - ATM python 前面程序整合加自定义日志 1.文件摆放├── xxxx │ ├── src.py │ └── fil_mode.py │ └── data_time.py │ └── loading.py │ └── data_time.py │ └── logger.py 2.运行文件 1.run src.py # 导入需要用到的所有内置模块 import logging...