Simple, Compound and Complex Sentences Read the following sentence and decide if they are simple, compound or complex 1. The boy at his lunch. 2. The unhappy boy with no shoes ate his tiny lunch on the door step in the rain. 3. After dinner, the baby woke up his mother with a loud...
-1 SimpleandCompound Sentences byMs.Rice© -2 Whatisasentence? •Asentenceisa groupofwords containinga subjectandaverb. •Asentencemust makesense!! -3 Whatisasimplesentence? •Canstandalone (independent) •Cancontain compoundparts (suchastwosubject, twoverbs,orboth) •Thesquirrelfound ...
SimpleandCompoundSentences byMs.Rice© Whatisasentence?•Asentenceisagroupofwordscontainingasubjectandaverb.•Asentencemustmakesense!!Whatisasimplesentence?•Canstandalone(independent)•Cancontaincompoundparts(suchastwosubject,twoverbs,orboth)•Thesquirrelfoundandburiedthefood.Whatisacompoundsentence?...
Simple-and-Compound-SentencesPPT课件 SimpleandCompoundSentences byMs.Rice© - 1 Whatisasentence?•Asentenceisagroupofwordscontainingasubjectandaverb.•Asentencemustmakesense!!- 2 Whatisasimplesentence?•Canstandalone(independent)•Cancontaincompoundparts(suchastwosubject,twoverbs,orboth)•The...
Simple, Compound, and Complex Sentences简单,复合,和复杂的句子.ppt,Simple, Compound, and Complex Sentences SIMPLE SENTENCES basic sentence with a subject, verb, and completed thought. I am going home. I am going straight home to do my arduous math homew
文档标签: and 系统标签: compound complex simple clause sentence fanboys AdaptedbyS.VictorLastUpdated:10/5/10 Name:___Date:___Period:___ Allsentencesarelabeledinoneofthefollowing fourways: simple,compound,complex,andcompound- complex. ***NOTE:Asentenceconsistsoffourparts:beginningcapitalletter,subje...
Simple and Compound Sentences: SMART Board Resource for Grammar and Usage (Grades 9-12) (eLesson Plan)
Simple and Compound Sentences (IS_2)Conjunctions 1Conjunctions link words or groups of words together Probably the simplest conjunctions are those that coordinate two ideas and describe the relationship between them. These are called Coordinating Conjunctions. Conjunctions 2 It is easy to remember th...
simple-compound-and-complex-sentences-lesson 句子种类 SentenceTypes SentenceStructure SimpleSentences Simplesentenceshavejustoneclause.Theymayhaveadditionalphrases.ExampleIwenttotheparktoeatahamburger.Kyle,Keith,andDoug,mybestfriendfrommiddleschool,wenttotheplayhouseandwatchedShakespeare’sHamlet.CoordinatingConjunctions...
Compound Sentences They have two complete sentences that can stand on their own as two independent clauses. The key is to find one of the FANBOYS with a comma before it and a complete sentence on both sides of the FANBOYS. It may also be identified by having a semi-colon without FANBO...