Simple, Compound and Complex Sentences Read the following sentence and decide if they are simple, compound or complex 1. The boy at his lunch. 2. The unhappy boy with no shoes ate his tiny lunch on the door step in the rain. 3. After dinner, the baby woke up his mother with a loud...
Simple, Compound, and Complex Sentences SIMPLE SENTENCES basic sentence with a subject, verb, and completed thought. I am going home. I am going straight home to do my arduous math homework. COMPOUND SENTENCES made up of two independent clauses connected by a coordinating conjunction I went hom...
Simple-and-Compound-Sentences SimpleandCompoundSentences byMs.Rice© Whatisasentence?•Asentenceisagroupofwordscontainingasubjectandaverb.•Asentencemustmakesense!!Whatisasimplesentence?•Canstandalone(independent)•Cancontaincompoundparts(suchastwosubject,twoverbs,orboth)•Thesquirrelfoundandburiedthe...
Simple-and-Compound-SentencesPPT课件 SimpleandCompoundSentences byMs.Rice© - 1 Whatisasentence?•Asentenceisagroupofwordscontainingasubjectandaverb.•Asentencemustmakesense!!- 2 Whatisasimplesentence?•Canstandalone(independent)•Cancontaincompoundparts(suchastwosubject,twoverbs,orboth)•The...
Simple, Compound, Simple, Compound, Complex Sentences Complex Sentences Review Quiz Review Quiz The Rules The Rules A A simple sentence simple sentence consists of one consists of one independent clause. An independent independent clause. An independent clause contains a subject and a predicate clause...
Simple, Compound, Complex Sentences The Rules A simple sentence consists of one independent clause. An independent clause contains a subject and a predicate and expresses a complete thought. During the game, Jasmine scored 23 points, had 6 assists, 8 rebounds, and 2 blocked shots. Tim is a ...
COMPLEX SENTENCES- COMMAS Complex sentences follow different rules than compound sentences. We sometimes use a comma, and sometimes we don’t. If I go there, she’ll be angry. She’ll be angry if I go there. When you come, he’ll leave. He’ll leave when you come. ...
Used in compound sentences instead of a coordinating conjunction Compound I talked to Amy for a long time, but she didn't listen. Compound I talked to Tom for a long time, and I asked him many questions. Compound I waved at my friend, but ...
Simple and Compound Sentences: SMART Board Resource for Grammar and Usage (Grades 9-12) (eLesson Plan)