IELTS Simon 雅思考官Simon发消息 英籍雅思前考官Simon Corcoran 现任曼彻斯特大学雅思学校老师 总结出雅思听、说、读、写全科课程,帮助全球无数烤鸭顺利上岸。 1.5周年丨腾蛇梦境 冒险再起 跟着Simon学雅思—大作文(1/11) 自动连播 3073播放简介 订阅合集
IELTS writing task 1 Comparison diagram changes to something e.g. an old design compared to a new design 2.or two alternative designs 3.or even two alternative locations on a map Your job is to compare the diagrams: Describe the changes Describe things that don't hange Describe the differen...
Pie charts can show numbers, but they always showpercentages. the full pie is always 100% Pie charts can show changes over time, but pie charts don't always show changes over time changes over time=> two different times/ a time period: numbers increasing/ decreasing eg years changes for d...
Introduction 第一段是简单的介绍题目是什么,不是叫你照抄题目,而是用换句话说的方法写,不管是把题目某个单字换成另外一个单字,还是重新排列句子的顺序,听起来不是很难,但不是单纯写一句简单的句子那么简单,而是尽量把所有资讯写进一个句子里,参考Simon的IELTS Writing Task 1: one correct sentence!,但如果在内容...
考官Simon雅思大作文范文(28篇) 考官Simon雅思小作文范文(22篇) 考官Simon雅思小作文范文(22篇) 雅思写作话题素材库 Ielts writing task 2 simon Simon Band 9 essay Writing Task 1 - Band 9 collection Simon 话不多说!免费获取方式! 长按扫码添加...
Daily IELTS lessons with Simon, ex-IELTS examiner. IELTS writing, reading, speaking and listening. IELTS topics, vocabulary and grammar.
Simon IELTS Writing Template。 Introduction: The introduction is a crucial part of any IELTS writing task. It should be concise and to the point, providing a clear overview of the topic that will be discussed in the essay. In this template, the introduction should contain a brief explanation ...
能把这些内容都涉及到的参考资料真的不多,但Simon强烈推荐这本“Collins Writing for IELTS”。 🌸 这本书里没有拗口的难词和绕口的语法。所有的单词对于考生来说都很友好。不像其他参考书,这本书不停炫技词汇,忽略大家可以吸收的程度。Simon随便从书里摘一个句子:Sometimes people are more likely to buy ...
今天也算是一个写作资料的补充——《simon小作文45篇》、《simon大作文31篇》、《Ideas for IELTS Topics》 备考雅思的伙伴都知道,雅思考官simon。 雅思考试考什么?什么样的答案才是考官最想要的高分答案,他最有发言权。 他的《Ideas for IELTS Topics》这本书,专门讲雅思写作素材、写作观点&思路,写作内容空洞无...
前考官simon:34篇雅思小作文范文 IELTS Writing Task 1: bar chart sample answer 题目:The chart below shows the total number of minutes (in billions) of telephone calls in the UK, divided into three categories, from 1995-2002.Here's my suggested outline for a 4-paragraph report:Introduction: ...