Daily IELTS lessons with Simon, ex-IELTS examiner. IELTS writing, reading, speaking and listening. IELTS topics, vocabulary and grammar.
Daily IELTS lessons with Simon, ex-IELTS examiner. IELTS writing, reading, speaking and listening. IELTS topics, vocabulary and grammar.
雅思考官范文IELTSSimon大作文篇合集.pdf,Collected from Simon’s Blog Collected from Simon’s Blog 1. 1. Some people th nk that str ct pun shments for dr v ng offences are the key to reduc ng traff c acc dents. Some people th nk that str ct pun shments for
雅思考官范文IELTSSimon大作文30篇合集.pdf,Collected from Simon ’s Blog 1. Some people think that strict punishments for driving offences are the key to reducing traffic accidents. Others, however, believe that other measures would be more effective in im
7.Ielts Ryan Higgins:http://ieltsielts.com/earlier-blog-posts/(雅思写作) 主要可以看下写作部分 7.IELTS Blog 这可以说是世界上最著名的雅思博客之一啦,创始人是Simone Braverman,也是TargetBand7系列雅思参考书的作者。网站非常全面,针对学术类和生活类均有比较好的教程;网站最突出的内容就是收录了大量5-9分...
then you can focus on the main paragraphs. IELTS Writing Task 2: main body paragraphs After you introduction (see last weeks lesson) you need to write 2 or 3 main body paragraphs. This is the most important part of your essay. If you have been following this blog for a while, or if...
IELTS 原创人:钱汪海老师 出处:http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_4d5314250100rdqb.html 转载请注明出处 2010 (2010.1.9) Pie Chart Some people believe that charity organizations should give the aid to those who are in great needs‚ some people think that charity organizations should concentrate ...
IELTS-Simon’s video course IELTS Speaking Part 1 Here are my sample answers for the 8 questions in the video lesson: Do you like sport? No, I’m not really a sports fan. I like swimming, but I don’t get much time to go these days because I’m too busy with work. Do you thi...
3、IELTS buddy 网址链接:ieltsbuddy.com/ 相较于前两个网站提供的雅思学习资源,模块划分更详细,除了基础的备考科目之外,还专门提供针对大作文和小作文两个部分的备考技巧,写作范文可以参考。不仅针对A类雅思考生,对于G类及生活技能类考生同样适用,这个网站也是免费的! 4、IELTS for FREE 网址链接:ieltsforfree.com...
Wednesday, December 11, 2019 IELTS Writing Task 2: improved 'music topic' plan Some people say that music is a good way of bringing people of different cultures and ages together. To what extent do you agre...