An (on-line) adaptive similarity factor implements a special efficient inference technique. Feedforward and predictive effect is introduced in fuzzification and defuzzification stages. The defuzzification is carried out in such a way that as the learning process progresses the interval of the control ...
ROIs were set to calculate the COV (using the target ROI) and CNR (using the target and background ROIs). The COV is an evaluation factor that quantitatively represents the noise in an image. A superior image has a low COV. In addition, the CNR is a factor that evaluates the contrast...
Education has always been considered an important factor influencing perceptions [47]. Many scholars believe that education helps individuals to form their own perspectives on many issues [48,49]: in the present case, this can account for households' greater divergence in thinking regarding the ...
However, by using an adaptive adjustment factor α, the similarity images of the images with different illuminations could be more similar, as shown in Figure 7. In the figure, u denotes the absolute value of the difference between the center point value of the image and the mean value, ...
Specifically, the Y-axis in Figure 10 was modified from the stiffness reduction factor (SRF) in the reference, which is 1 − E'/E, where E and E' ffiigguurreedd oouutt tthhee ccoorrrreecctt ddaammaaggee llooccaattiioonn wwiitthhoouutt aann oovveerreessttiimmaattiioonn ooff ddaamm...
In nonlinear conformers, the crucial factor is the mutual arrangement in space between the R2 substituent (green) and common core (red). In line with moving from nonlinear to linear conformers, a...