Even while you’re seen as having an overabundance of sensitivity, emotion, curiosity, and insight — so much that you sometimes overwhelm others — you can also feel like you’re inadequate. In your mind, you don’t have enough of what you need. Not enough intellect. Not enough achievemen...
If you constantly find yourself asking these questions, welcome to theoverthinkersclub! Life here is not as easy as you think. You can’t help but analyse every tiny detail of everything that happens to you, or for that matter, anybody else. Here are 15 signs of a person who thinks to...
If you think signs are as simple as the horoscope you read in the newspaper every morning, that’s totally okay but PSA, zodiac signs are actually more complicated than that which by the way, makes it more fun and interesting. Before we dive into the depths of each sign, let’s start ...
Emotionally mature individualsunderstand that they are responsible for their actions and decisions. They don’t place blame on others to avoid facing the consequences. If you notice she’s consistently avoiding responsibility, it could be a sign of emotional immaturity. But remember, we...
s falling in love with youbut he will still go to sleep wondering if the pace is right. Yes, they are deep thinkers, but they are also overthinkers. If you’re sure that the Aquarius male likes you and if you like him back, don’t hesitate to give him an assurance to dissolve ...
living with GAD can be incredibly difficult. There are a huge range of physical, emotional, and psychological symptoms associated with the disorder, so a diagnosis can be quite difficult. The biggest giveaway is the sheer persistence of symptoms that will continue unabated over months a...
You might also find it hard to control your temper since that is your biological response. You jump from one task or activity to another without completing them. Naturally, productivity at work or in other spheres of life goes for a toss. Related Reading: Dating An Overthinker: 15 Tips To...