Here are some warning signs that your relationship may be in trouble. It doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s not salvageable or that you can’t get the love connection back, but it does mean you both need to have honest communication and may need the assistance of amarriagecounseling. The...
Translation: You need to act fast when you spot these signs of relationship trouble. 1. She criticizes your grammar when you fight. Imagine this scenario: In the middle of a fight, you declare, “I could care less”—and rather than trying to understand your angst, your partner smugly ...
Planning for the future is an integral part of a healthy relationship. It shows commitment, shared goals, and the desire to grow together. But if the thought of the future with your partner fills you with apprehension or uncertainty, it’s a sign that your relationship may be on shaky grou...
The relationship is in trouble when your partner makes you feel like you are a burden or disturbing them. This situation usually occurs when the other person is tired of the relationship or has problems. What you can do: When your partner makes you feel like a disturbance, it may be becau...
Many men and women struggle with recognizing the early signs of a toxic relationship. In these cases, the early signs of trouble are there rather than raising red flags. These concerns are brushed aside as the usual “bumps in the road” that occur in every new relationship. ...
Whatever the particulars, constant fighting is one of the key signs that a relationship is in trouble. What You Can Do If you’re fighting all the time — especially if you’re fighting about the same issues over and over — then the best thing you can do is find a new ...
You might think that you're a solid couple, and then out of nowhere, you start seeing signs you're in a toxic relationship, and you have no idea how you got there. First of all, don't blame yourself. Toxic relationships happen all the time. Everyone is just trying to do their best...
The trouble with insecurities in relationships is that it starts to affect both people in the couple. Those of us who enter a relationship feeling wonderful and confident might leave it feeling more insecure than a teen with braces at the peak of puberty. Today, with the presence of social ...
Additionally, trust is the foundation of any solid relationship, so if you don't believe that a friend has your best interests in mind, "that's often a sign that something's not working," Bonior says. You might be able to gauge whether someone is trustworthy based on how they speak ...
Whether a relationship involves physical, sexual, or emotional abuse, any abusive relationship can be a source of deep and lasting trauma. Leaving the intimate relationship can potentially stop the abuse. Still, someone may continue to feel the effects of the abuse long after the relationship has...