but in all honesty, I’ve really lost track of time. I know, it’s crazy and time really does fly when you’re having fun. A little over 7 years I was with this man. And in this whole time I ignored all the warning signs of a toxic relationship even though I knew I was in o...
Carter says the fear of being alone is definitely not the right reason to be in a relationship. He says that fearing being alone can cause you to make bad choices in order to distract yourself from feeling lonely. Think about it, did you jump into this relationship right after a breakup?
Sometimes when we are emotionally involved, it becomes hard to spot when a relationship is toxic. The closer we are, the harder it becomes to see the big picture and notice signs of a toxic relationship. While in ahealthy relationship, you feel cared for, respected, safe, and heard in a...
Relationships are a delight, especially when you’vefound someoneyou really connect with. I can’t really blame women who get lost in relationships they truly enjoy. However, no matter how smooth your relationship is, it should never be the center of your universe. More so, it shouldn’t m...
Here are 6 warning signs of disrespect in your relationship. Disrespect In Your Relationship #1: He/She Points Out Your Flaws If your partner is always telling you that something is wrong with you, it’s possible that respect is lacking. This also can be a sign that your relationship is ...
This false sense of concern can be mistaken for genuine remorse. Still, it is just a calculated attempt to catch you at a weak moment or appeal to your sentimentality. Toxic people will suck you back into the relationship by showing you desirable behaviors as soon as they think you are abo...
One of the signs of a disrespectful husband is that he will continuously compare you with others. It does not matter whether the woman he is comparing you with is his mother orex-girlfriend; when you are in a relationship, you should respect each other for who you are and accept each ...
It’s not about keeping score, but friendship is a two-way street and it’s important to feel valued and respected. Recognizing this dynamic can be an important step in evaluating your relationship with them. It doesn’t mean they’re a bad person or intentionally using you; they might no...
15 Signs of Disrespect in a Relationship Never to Ignore And then came the signs to move on I was clinging on hoping that it was going to get better and kept ignoring the warning signs to move on. Eventually, all the little signs were starting to add up. The signs showing me to the...
If you have been in a relationship for months or years, you probably take your partner for granted and don’t pay any attention to his feelings. Of course, not all of these signs means it’s time to break up. Maybe your man simply need some help and inspiration to cope with his prob...