Presents a study to determine if cholinergic deficits in Alzheimer disease precede, follow, or occur in synchrony with the earliest signs of cognitive deterioration in elderly patients. Design, setting and patients; Main outcome measures; Results; Conclusions.Davis...
Since elderly people over 60 are showing obvioussignsofphysical deterioration,theGovernmentshould conduct basic physical checks [...] 因為60 歲以㆖的老㆟,其實身體已開始明顯衰老,政府應為這些㆟分批定期作基本身體檢查,例如㆒年㆒次,以便早日發現身體有何毛病。
Realsigns ofimprovement had been seen in the conditions of indigenous peoples, victimsofviolenceandpastabuses,andtheinstitutional promotion of human rights in the country. 已经有一些改善的切实迹象,见之于土著人民、暴力受害者和以往的侵 权行为,以及从体制入手增进...
In many acute clinical areas, physiological measurements are undertaken regularly by healthcare assistants (HCAs), but are often regarded as a routine task with a low priority.Evidence suggests that patient deterioration, which can be detected by changes in vital signs, is still not always recognise...
43. Yoder JC, Yuen TC, Churpek MM, A prospective study of nighttime vital sign monitoring frequency and risk of clinical deterioration: JAMA Intern Med, 2013; 173(16); 1554-55 44. Choo YJ, Moon JS, Lee GW, The applicability of noncontact sensors in the field of rehabilitation medicine:...
or stripping of the myelin covering of the nerves. It can also cause scarring (the "sclerosis" in the name “multiple sclerosis”). This causes electrical impulses to travel more slowly along the nerves resulting in deterioration of function in body processes such as vision, speech, walking, ...
Our findings suggest that presence of microstructural damage, likely axonal, in afferent and efferent connections of the cerebellum contributes to the deterioration of motor performance in older people. DTI study of the cerebellar peduncles and mobility in elderly. Fractional anisotropy and axial ...
movements, the new method can accurately measure an individual's heart rate and respiratory rate without the need for wires, probes,wearable technologyor other skin attachments. It could also identify early signs of heart disease like arrythmia while highlighting deterioration for those living with ...
Cardiomyopathy is the deterioration of muscles within the heart which in turn causes the heart to become thick, rigid or enlarged; this physiological change causes decreased contractility and may lead to arrhythmias or heart failure (VanMeter and Hubert, 2013). In the case study, the client is ...
Supporting the detection of patient deterioration: observation chart design affects the recognition of abnormal vital signs. To evaluate the effect of observation chart design on the ability of health professionals and novice chart users to recognise patient deterioration. Partic......