There is no relationship between these parenchymal degenerative changes and arterial disease; hence the term "cerebral atherosclerosis" as applied to mental deterioration in the elderly is misleading and inaccurate. When vascular disease is responsible for dementia it is through the occurrence of multiple...
As serum creatinine is not a reliable marker of renal function in the elderly and as the exact evaluation of glomerular filtration rate by inuline clearance is unavailable in daily clinical practice it is generally assumed that the Cockroft-Cault estimation of creatinine clearance is a good comprom...
Life expectancy is increasing28, yet few studies have explored the limits of tactile perception in the elderly. Age is known to affect both the mechanical and physical properties of the skin as well as neurophysiological capabilities for the detection, transmission or interpretation of touch signals1...
[...] trigger institutionalisation of elderly people, including sudden deterioration in the health conditions of elders due to stroke, dementia, bone fracture; and/or the [...] 根據觀察所得,促使長者入住院舍的關鍵因素包括身 體因中風、痴呆症或骨折而突然轉差和離院後缺乏過渡性的...
the rich" and were not fully considered by the government. However, by the 1990s, elderly people in Japan, who had become wealthier, began facing the long-term challenges of chronic diseases. Due to the prolonged hospitalization required for chronic illnesses, 14% of the elderly population ...
institutionalisation of elderly people, includingsudden deteriorationinthe health conditions of elders due to stroke, [...] 根據觀察所得,促使長者入住院舍的關鍵因素包括身 體因中風、痴呆症或骨折而突然轉差和離院後缺乏過渡性的支援。
living (ADL) and falls in the elderly and to identify characteristics of groups at risk for falls.This was a 6-year, prospective cohort study using data from the Good Aging in Skåne study in southern Sweden, involving 1,540 elderly subjects, including the oldest-old (age, 60-93 years)...
[...]trigger institutionalisation of elderly people, including suddendeterioration inthehealthconditionsofelders due to stroke, dementia, bone fracture; and/or the[...] 根據觀察所得,促使長者入住院舍的關鍵因素包括身 體因中風、痴呆症或骨折而突然轉差和離院後缺乏過渡性...
Language deterioration in four Japanese–Portuguese bilingual patients with Alzheimer's disease: a trans-cultural study of Japanese elderly immigrants in Brazil doi:10.1046/j.1479-8301.2003.00011.xBRAZILBILINGUALISMLANGUAGE disordersLANGUAGE disorders in old ageALZHEIMER'S di...
Since elderly people over 60 are showing obvious signsofphysical deterioration,theGovernment should conduct basic physical checks regularly for them in different groups, for example,[...] 因為60 歲以㆖的老㆟,其實身體已開始明顯衰老,政 府應為這些㆟分批定期作基本身體...