Sigmoid Emax模型 毕业论文知识点记录(四)——MaxEnt模型 0 序言 经过了几次文章分享,数据已经准备得差不多了,师姐说可以先利用现有数据跑一个结果,然后再逐步增加想要的环境数据,改善结果。 另外,谨记师姐的一句话,环境因素不是随随便便就加上去的,要有自己实实在在的依据!!! 1 软件准备 本次使用maxent模型的...
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Statistics Adaptive optimal designs based on the sigmoid Emax model TEMPLE UNIVERSITY Francis Hsuan PadmanabhanSudharshan KWhen a new drug is under development, a conventional dose-finding study involves learning about the dose-response curve in order to bring forward right doses of the drug to late...
药效学,以快—慢速率相继静脉输注二室开放模型拟合60例患者的群体药动学参数,以效应室与中央室连接的三室模型,用参数法拟合26例患者的sigmoidemax药效学模型的群体... 芮建中,杨友春,王亦流,... - 《药学学报》 被引量: 0发表: 1996年 认知无线电网络中的频谱预测技术研究 针对每个指标,基于Sigmoid函数设计次...
The widely used sigmoid Emax model, which accounts for response saturation, relies heavily on the effective drug concentration ( E D 50 E{D}_{50} ). This reliance can lead to validation errors and inaccuracies in model fitting. The Emax model cannot generate multiple DRCs, raising concerns ...
Is it possible to estimate the parameters of the sigmoid Emax model with trucated data typical of clinical studies. J Pharm Sci. 1996; 85 :232–239. [ PubMed ]Dutta S., Matsumoto Y., Ebling W.F. (1996). Is it possible to estimate the parameters of the sigmoid E max model with ...
Parameter estimation performance for sigmoid emax models in exposure-response Relationshipdoi:10.1016/j.clinthera.2015.05.252Md. HasanuzzamanMd. Masud ParvezS.E. ParkJ.-L. GhimJ.-G. ShinD.H. LeeElsevier BVClinical Therapeutics
Dose-findingAdaptive designsLoewner orderOptimal designsThe adaptive design strategy is a feasible approach for optimal designs in dose-finding studies, where the information matrices usually depend on the unknown parameters. Focusing on three pharmacodynamics sigmoid Emax models, we derive the corresponding...
We investigated the relationship between the steepness of the concentration-effect relationship and inter-individual variability (IIV) of the parameters of the sigmoid Emax model, using the similarity between the sigmoid Emax model and the cumulative log-normal distribution. In addition, it is ...
Alvan G, Hammarlund-Udenaes M, Odlind B. The va- lidity of the sigmoid Emax model and efficiency concept in diuretic studies. Br J Clin Pharmacol 1991; 31:210.Alván, G. , Hammarlund-Udenaes, M. & Odlind, B. ( 1991 ). The validity of the sigmoid E max model and efficiency ...